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Streams of Prayer for 19 August 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 19 August 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

August 18, 2024 – August 24, 2024

Effectiveness and Transformation

The current theme of Streams of Prayer is Effectiveness and Transformation.

Twice a year we like to look back and celebrate how our prayers have been answered in the Bible translation movement. Together we thank God for how He graciously responds to our prayers, and we are encouraged as we consider all He has done for Alliance organisations and the communities they serve. We rejoice at how God’s Word is impacting individuals, communities and nations and how churches and partners are joining together to participate in his mission. And we are grateful for how He is transforming communities through His Spirit and His Word.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV)

Global Gathering prayer team needed!
Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024

We invite you to join a team of people praying for the Global Gathering. You will receive weekly email updates from 18 September and daily updates during the Gathering. There will also be online opportunities to pray with others on Wednesday 30 October. Please let Barb Speck know if you want to sign up by replying to this email or contacting her at prayer@wycliffe.net. (Note: Prayer teams will be conducted, and prayer information provided, in English.)

Presentation of ministry on radio programme: Philippines

Praise God for the special opportunity that the Translators Association of the Philippines had recently to present about the ministry of Bible translation on DYVS Radio 1233. This radio programme was heard over all Bacolod and the Negros Occidental province. It was also seen and heard live on Facebook. The audio recordings of translated portions of God’s Word in both Binukignon and Inati will hopefully be heard on air in the programme titled Kapanimalay Mo (‘From your family member’). Ask the Lord to bless every person who hears the Bible in their heart language, that they may choose to trust the Lord and obey his Word.

Patience and resilience for Ngaing translation advisor: Papua New Guinea
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A view of Nankina, a neighbouring community to Ngaing. Photo: Brent Fox

Give thanks that Barbara Hodgkinson of Wycliffe Australia was granted a work visa in March and is now back with the Ngaing people in Madang province, Papua New Guinea. Thank God for her patience and resilience during this long wait, as she relied on Hebrews 12:2. Pray for the Ngaing translation team (Vincent, Thomas, Hilary and others) as they resume work. Pray for good health, peace in their families, and perseverance for the whole team. Pray that the translated Scriptures transform Ngaing people’s lives.

Encouraging spiritual practice in community: Americas
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Mesas facilitators participate in an online prayer meeting. Photo: Ana Cristina Mejia

Praise God for the first quarterly prayer meeting of facilitators of the Americas national Bible translation roundtables held on 14 May. The prayer gathering seeks to:

  • encourage and nurture regular spiritual practice in community through prayer 
  • help maintain a spiritual connection among the roundtable members as they seek together to discern God’s will 
  • reinforce the purpose, vision, values and culture of the roundtables.

Participants prayed for each roundtable that shared their prayer requests and items of thanksgiving. One participant shared a reflection on the importance of prayer as a spiritual practice. A second meeting was held on 13 August. Pray that these meetings strengthen spiritual practice among the community of facilitators of the national Bible translation roundtables. Pray that more facilitators will be able to participate.

Great achievement in the past 62 years of service: Ghana
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Koma Bible dedication. Photo: GILLBT

Praise God for the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation (GILLBT)’s great achievements over the past 62 years of active service. GILLBT is affiliated with the University of Ghana and is creating an impact, working in 42 of Ghana’s 60-plus languages through language development, translation, literacy and oral Bible translation. Thank God that in the past 62 years of service, GILLBT has published 22 New Testaments and 15 complete Bibles. The most recent celebrations were held for the Kaakyi New Testament (9 June) and the Koma Bible (22 June). The Koma program started in 1978 and the Kaakyi in 2004. Thank God for the partners, Ghanaian churches and individuals that contributed resources for this great work. Thank God also that GILLBT is the largest contributor to the documentation and analysis of the minority languages of Ghana.

Wycliffe Switzerland Anniversary:

On 1 June, Wycliffe Switzerland celebrated 60 years since its founding. Guests joyfully celebrated God’s faithfulness throughout those 60 years despite many challenges, through praise, prayer and sharing stories of what God has done. In total, Wycliffe Switzerland members have contributed towards over 50 language communities that now have the New Testament or full Bible translated into their own languages. Thank God for what he has accomplished over these last 60 years through their service! Pray for God’s continued guidance for Wycliffe Switzerland staff.

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Flyer for Wycliffe Switzerland 60th anniversary. Photo: Wycliffe Switzerland

Tinagbanwa orthography: Philippines

Praise God for progress in finalising the Tinagbanwa language writing system (orthography). The Tinagbanwa orthography consultation was a success. It was attended by more than 90 speakers of the three dialects: Batuwanën, Puluwanën, and S̃ug̓udnun. Together they wholeheartedly supported the draft of one alphabet and writing system for the Tinagbanwa language, considering the characteristics of its three dialects. Please pray that with the establishment of this writing system, translation and other desired language development efforts can move ahead for all Tinagbanwa speakers.

Enga New Testament launch: Papua New Guinea
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An Enga woman smiles at receiving the New Testament in both print and audio forms. Photo: Susan Frey 

Thank you for praying for the five Enga New Testament launch celebrations! The first took place on 2 July in Wabag town, where more than 400 Engans from various church denominations gathered to celebrate despite ongoing tribal tensions and repercussions from the recent landslide. In addition to the print Enga New Testament, the Enga-English edition, memory card versions and solar-powered audio players with the recording of the Enga New Testament were made available. People showed great joy as they purchased the New Testament in their language. Pray for ongoing promotion and distribution. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in the lives of Enga as they engage with the Scriptures to bring about change and transformation. Praise God for the churches working in unity during the launch and pray they will continue to do so. Praise him for the translation team made up of personnel from SILPNG and the Papua New Guinea Bible Translation Association. Pray also for continued healing and comfort for those affected by the landslide.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

Let us know if you wish also to receive the “Streams of Prayer” bulletin sent to your inbox. If so, send us an email at webmaster@gmc-mca.org and we will gladly add you to our list.

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