Streams of Prayer for 25 November 2024
The Streams of Prayer for 25 November 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.
November 24, 2024 – November 30, 2024
Bible Translation Programmes
The current theme for Streams of Prayer is Bible Translation Programmes, one of the Alliance participation streams.
Wycliffe Global Alliance serves Bible translation movements because we long for language communities to encounter God through his Word. As written in the Alliance Foundational Statements, one of our core values is “trusting God to transform lives through His Word translated into the languages and cultures of the world’s peoples”.
We will pray for Bible translation efforts around the world. We will also celebrate lives changed through Scripture and pray that many more communities will be powerfully impacted by encountering God through the Bible translated into a language they can understand.

A man reads his Hebrew Bible on his phone. (2018) Photo: Marc Ewell
Working among the Yukpa: Colombia
The Yukpa teams of Colombia have drafted Acts and Colossians. Work has been ongoing with the translation of three illustrated primers: The Fall of Adam and Eve, Jonah and the “I Am” from the Gospel of John. In addition, the team has been working on revisions from the consultant check of Exodus and has done a community review of the Gospel of John. The goal is to have these books approved by December. Pray that God will give wisdom and ability to the team to achieve this goal. Work on audio recordings is pending for January 2025. Some work has been delayed due to changes in the team, the search for new consultants, and the training of new translators. Thank God that a one-year extension has been granted by the donor. Pray that they will be able to reach their goals in 2025 and to be able to begin a new three-year project in 2026.
Ndop Cluster Translation Project: Canada, Cameroon

Wycliffe Canada is thankful to partner with 10 language groups in the Ndop Cluster Project in Cameroon, serving alongside teams in Scripture translation, literacy and Scripture engagement.
- Two New Testaments have been completed, while work continues on seven other translations.
- Teams have also produced five Luke films and two Acts films.
- Pray for the printing process of the completed Bamunka New Testament.
- Praise the Lord for progress on translation checking of Luke for Bamali and 1 John for Bamukumbit. Pray that the final checks and changes for Bamali Luke and Bamukumbit Acts will be completed so preparations can be made for dubbing the Bamali Luke film and the Bamukumbit Acts film in 2025.
- Pray for successful completion of all the requirements for Pastor Pius and Pastor Novethan to be accredited as translation consultants.
Praise God for the lives being transformed through these translated Scriptures. Pray for more Canadians eager to be involved in his work among the Ndop language groups through prayer and funding.
Old Testament translation in Aché: Paraguay

The Aché community already has the New Testament and is translating the Old Testament. They have published the Pentateuch, 50 Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation, and the book of Psalms. Translating Psalms was a beautiful and arduous work that involved not only the translation team, but also exegetes, specialists in the Hebrew language, and generous people who have given their time and money toward the translation process and printing. Publication of the New Testament has helped revitalise their language and affirm their identity as an ethnic group. Now that their language is in written form and schooling is in their language, many have learned to read. Pray that many Aché people will develop a personal relationship with God through his written Word in their language. Pray also for strength and encouragement for the Aché team to continue with translation of the Old Testament. Research is still pending on three additional language communities—Maka, Manjui and Western Guarani—which do not yet have any Scriptures. Pray for the task that remains for LETRA Paraguay in these languages.
Audio recording of Seediq Tgdaya Scriptures: Taiwan
Praise the Lord for the audio Bible recording for the Seediq Tgdaya people that began on 14 October and will finish in early December. Ask God to protect all participants including the voice actors, audio monitors, recording consultant from Faith Comes by Hearing, three staff members from the Wycliffe Taiwan recording team, and participants from the Seediq church. Pray for great collaboration among the team and a successful completion to this project. Pray for the Seediq Tgdaya people to know the Lord and worship him as they listen to and engage with the Scriptures.
EasyEnglish Bible audio and video versions: UK, Global

MissionAssist has produced the EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) for people learning English or who speak English as an additional language. It is available on the website, and also on Bible Gateway, the Google Play Store and the YouVersion Bible app. The team is producing audio recordings spoken at a pace that is easy to listen to and understand. Clive Gray, a volunteer with MissionAssist, is the voice of the EasyEnglish Bible audio recordings. He is also producing videos so people can see the words on the screen as they listen to the verses being narrated. Pray that the EasyEnglish Bible translation and resources will continue to be an encouragement to Christians all over the world and bring people to faith in Christ. Pray for God’s direction for the team and that the new YouTube channel @EasyEnglishBible-CliveGray will reach many more people. Pray also for Clive’s endurance as he records the Bible book by book, and his creativity as he presents each chapter in video form, for the glory of God.
We are so thankful: Kenya
Staff of Bible Translation and Literacy (BTL) are thankful to God for his continued grace as they serve in Bible translation. He has been providing all that is needed for the work to continue.
- Praise him for the completed read-through of the Marakwet Complete Bible, which was celebrated by the community. Pray for the typesetting, printing and planning of the launch.
- Thank God also for the Upper Pokomo New Testament that is being printed. Pray for the printing, shipping and launch. Ask God to provide for the local churches as they seek needed funds for the dedication.
- Thank God for the translation work that has started in some parts of Tanzania and South Sudan where BTL is partnering.
- Thank God for opportunities he is giving to some of the language programmes staff to pursue further training.
Bible Translation and Language Research Projects: AIDIA Peru
The Interdenominational Association for the Integral Development of Apurimac (AIDIA) is developing Bible translation projects throughout Peru. Two of these projects are in the highlands and seven in the rainforest. Each project has three translators, a consultant, and two facilitators. AIDIA is also conducting language research in six additional languages. By 2025, it is likely that AIDIA will initiate four to five new Bible translation projects. Pray for the work being done in these projects and for the language research process. Pastor Luis Cervantes, AIDIA Director, also asks prayer for more translation facilitators to mobilise communities and churches in the various regions in support of these Bible translation and language research projects.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592
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