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Streams of Prayer for 29 April 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 29 April 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

April 28, 2024 – May 4, 2024


The current theme for Streams of Prayer is People.

It is our privilege to be involved with God’s mission, both individually and corporately. Alliance organisations committed to the People Participation Stream recruit and/or send people to serve in Bible translation movements, working either in their own countries or elsewhere. They can serve with their sending organisation, other Alliance organisations or partner organisations. 

We pray for the Alliance organisations to provide excellent supportive care to all staff members. And we will pray that organisations collaborate well across different human resources practices when personnel from one sending organisation are assigned to serve under another. 

Through the Global People Conversations held last year, Alliance organisations have been able to think through how to respond to changing contexts and situations in order to strategically utilise their people and care for them well. Praise God that he gives us deeper understanding. As you pray for the specific items below, pray also that each Alliance organisation in the People stream will continue to respond boldly to what God shows them in this area.

Committed project staff and literacy trainers: South Asia

Praise God for committed literacy project staff and trainers who are enthusiastic to help language communities develop literacy skills and love for reading. Praise God for reading materials and Scripture-based books being prepared for the first time in a few languages. Pray that the work of literacy facilitators and teachers will go smoothly and pray that they will be protected from those who challenge their work. Pray that the Lord will heal a literacy facilitator who is discouraged by the prolonged ill health of his wife as well as facing challenges from his family members who are not followers of Christ. Ask the Lord to sustain him and encourage him to continue in his work.

Serving selflessly: Philippines
Streams of Prayer 29 April 2024
Photo: Wycliffe Philippines

Pray for the personnel for language projects serving with Wycliffe Philippines. They include mother-tongue translators, checkers, facilitators, team leaders and consultants. Praise the Lord for these people who serve selflessly alongside language communities, often located in hard-to-reach places. Pray that their service will powerfully touch their families and the communities they serve. Pray for protection, provision, and good health as they navigate various terrains to reach their locations of service. May the Spirit of God be their constant guide in everything they do.

Evaluating processes: Germany

Like many organisations in the Wycliffe Global Alliance, Wycliffe Germany is reflecting on how best to position staff in a changing world and adapt ways of working to be well-equipped for the future. Administrative staff are evaluating their processes around recruiting and training new members, as well as other areas of personnel work. Developing a team with complementary professional skills is crucial for working effectively. Please pray for wisdom and clarity in seeking the best way forward to ensure finding people with the appropriate giftings for each position in a timely fashion. The team also appreciates your prayers to find the time and space to process these issues in the busyness of day-to-day responsibilities.

Getting to know each other: Papua New Guinea
Streams of Prayer 29 April 2024
Milne Bay translators meeting with the director. Photo: Sineina Gela

Nelson Tapineng, the new executive director for the Papua New Guinea Bible Translation Association met with the translation teams in the Milne Bay Province during a recent visit. One of Nelson’s initial focuses since taking up the executive director role six months ago, is to meet both administrative and translation programme personnel in person. Together with Ofasia Wayne, the acting language services director, Nelson has been meeting translators and connecting with pastors, churches, communities, and government leaders in their local areas. Translators in Milne Bay were much encouraged by the visit of these two leaders. Praise the Lord for this gesture to encourage and build relationships with the translators in a personal and tangible way.

People sent locally: Guinea Bissau

The Instituto de Tradução e Alfabetização (ITA) is involved in several Bible translation programmes in Guinea Bissau. These programmes are run by translators, church leaders, literacy teachers and various technicians. These people are sent by their families, churches and language communities to carry out the work of Bible translation that will benefit the local churches and communities. Thank God for all these volunteers, who have agreed to give their time and various skills to see the kingdom of God manifested in Guinea Bissau. Pray that God will help them to do a good job, and that he will protect them and their families. Pray also that more people will get involved in Bible translation programmes, and to facilitate literacy and Scripture engagement work in preparation for the arrival of the translated New Testaments and Bibles.

More Staff for growth: Israel
Streams of Prayer 29 April 2024
Photo: Jerusalem Seminary

As Jerusalem Seminary seeks to serve faithfully in God’s mission, please join their staff in asking God to raise up people who will serve with Jerusalem Seminary in the coming years. They seek, by God’s grace, to grow their Biblical Hebrew training programs, continue their School of the Bible for spiritual enrichment of believers worldwide, and launch a School of Graduate Studies soon. Pray that God will send people to help in the areas of academics, finance, operations and technology. 

Integral care of field staff: Letra Paraguay
Streams of Prayer 29 April 2024
Members of Letra Paraguay and Hope and Health for the Nations. Photo: Letra Paraguay

Letra Paraguay strives to guarantee the integral care of its workers, addressing their needs in mental and spiritual health. Letra Paraguay partners with Hope and Health for the Nations to provide access to mental health resources, ensuring that missionaries have the necessary support to maintain their emotional well-being in the demanding context of cross-cultural work. Letra Paraguay also recognizes the importance of the spiritual health of its members, providing resources and spaces for spiritual growth and connection with God. Recognizing the crucial role that faith communities play in workers’ well-being and spiritual encouragement, Letra Paraguay works closely with local churches to ensure a comprehensive follow-up with each missionary. Pray that every Letra Paraguay field worker may be strengthened in these areas for service to the Lord. Pray for Hope and Health, that more professionals would join in this work.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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