Streams of Prayer for 5 January 2025
The Streams of Prayer for 5 January 2025, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.
January 5, 2025 – January 18, 2025
We have arrived in 2025, and for many in Bible translation movements, this means the culmination of Vision 2025. This vision, adopted in 1999 by several organisations and networks, challenged Bible translation movements to change how we work in order that “by the year 2025 a Bible translation project will be in progress for every people group that needs it.”
During this year we will periodically look at how God has worked to bring this vision closer to reality. We invite you to join us as we celebrate increased involvement in Bible translation movements, including from churches, organisations and networks. We will also celebrate new ways of working and lives transformed by the increased availability of Scripture in formats and languages that communicate clearly.
Remind yourself about some of the implications of Vision 2025 by listening to episodes 1 and 2 of The Journey Podcast, a conversation between former SIL Director John Watters and the Alliance’s Jim Killam; and episode 5, a discussion with Bryan Harmelink, the Alliance Director for Collaboration, about the impact of Vision 2025.

Fireworks on New Year’s Day in the Philippines (2010). Photo: Janeen Michie
Prayer and praise for unity at Global Gathering: Global, Europe
Ruben Dubei, Europe Area Director, reminds us to praise God for the unity experienced at the Global Gathering: “Heaven and earth came together for five days during the Alliance Global Gathering in Johannesburg. Two hundred and fifty workers representing more than 100 organizations in the Alliance, plus other partners from around the globe, experienced the presence of God and the sweetness of the fellowship of brothers and sisters coming together in the Lord’s name. People of various ethnicities and cultures, speaking different languages, worshipped together and shared what God is doing in different corners of the earth.”
“We realized anew that Christ is building his church in every people group using his Word in their languages. We understood that we must always stay close to his church, listen step-by-step to what the Lord is speaking to us and discern what he is doing in and through his church today.”
“The main theme was “Growing Together” and we indeed grew a lot in a few days, both in our relationships with the Lord and in our fellowship with our brethren. Pray that we would continue to grow together in the knowledge of the Lord and in the Body of Christ and that we would beautifully represent our Lord in the world through a unity that would draw others to him.”
Translating the Bible into Standard Romani: Romania

All glory be to God for the fruits of the first three years of translating the Bible into the Standard Romani language! With God’s help, this period has been completed with the publication of a booklet containing the Gospels of Mark and John and the book of Acts. A beautiful celebration was held in Romania to mark this milestone, with lively Christian music in the Roma cultural style. Thank the Lord for the approval of the second three-year phase.
Please pray:
- That God will give grace and guidance to the whole team in the next phase of translation. They plan to begin the translation of the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, and the Epistles of Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Galatians;
- That the translation team will be able to work in unity and cooperation with the Roma churches;
- For the Holy Spirit to bring a spiritual awakening among the Roma, and for the Roma to use the translation.
Celebrating 40 years of service: Korea

The Global Bible Translators (GBT) will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2025. GBT was founded in 1985. Since then, it has sent many translation teams to countries around the world where language communities do not have the Scriptures in their heart languages. Praise the Lord for GBT’s vision. Thank him for providing GBT personnel to serve together with many other partners in those Bibleless language communities. Pray for the GBT team as they organise the New Year’s commissioning ceremony, which will begin with God’s Word and prayer. May God use it to inspire fresh commitments and determination. May God continue to guide GBT through the coming years.
Celebrating God for His Blessing: Ethiopia

God has done wonderful works for Wycliffe Ethiopia. He has helped to finish the new building and Bible translation work has commenced on a larger scale. This year, Wycliffe Ethiopia celebrated its 10th anniversary and the completion of four New Testament translations through a dedication service held in Addis Ababa, thanking God for his help thus far. These Scriptures will be printed and distributed in 2025, amid local celebrations. God has helped financially and has provided dedicated and loyal partners who have a vision for Bible translation in the Horn of Africa. God continues to expand the reach and scope of this ministry as it continues to grow. Celebrate God for his blessing over Wycliffe Ethiopia with good relations with the churches in the country, which contributes to positive impacts for Scripture engagement. Thank him for providing for the drilling of a new well in a region with water needs. Celebrate him with Wycliffe Ethiopia for all that he is doing.
Balangao hymnal project completed: Philippines

Thank God that the Balangao hymnal project is finally complete, featuring audio and video recordings of 413 songs. The hymnal is now available on digital media. The project took six years and hundreds of people locally and around the world who committed to give and pray. The hymnal was printed in 2022 and the video and audio recordings and editing continued until 2024. A thanksgiving and dedication service was held on 7 December. Pray that God is exalted among the Balangao people as they learn these songs, to enhance their worship of God in church services and encourage their personal walk with him.
Yegistan* translation team’s growth: Asia, Australia
Give thanks for the proficiency of the Yegistan* translation team that Wycliffe Australia personnel Kay* has been working with. A consultant had some concerns about the Yegistan translation of Leviticus. Kay was pleased to see one of the translators calmly and comprehensively address the consultant’s concerns. Let’s celebrate with Kay that the Yegistan team has grown in confidence and capacity. Continue praying for the successful translation of the entire Yegistan Old Testament, and that lives will be transformed as Yegistan speakers encounter God’s Word in their heart language.
New oral translation project moves forward with prayer support: Thailand, Canada

The Isan oral Bible translation project, sponsored by Wycliffe Thai Foundation, is moving forward in Thailand. The Isan local church is looking forward to having material available in their language for evangelism and discipleship. Praise God for Thai churches who pray for the Isan people. In one church, a family was so passionate about praying for the Isan people that the husband carried his wife upstairs to the meeting because she was too weak to walk the three flights. According to Wycliffe Canada’s Prayer Alive email update, the family stayed for the full prayer meeting and, at the end, the father said, “I love Isan people. I love the Isan language. I am very happy that I can come and pray for them. We will come next time!”
- Praise God that Thai Christians are being moved to pray for the Isan people and for other unreached people groups in their country. Pray that Christians worldwide would join them in prayer.
- Pray for translators needed to join the new Isan oral Bible translation project.
- Pray that the translation project would find appropriate office space in the city of Khon Kaen, Isan.
- Pray for Wycliffe Thai Foundation Director Wat and his communication with international organizations about being partners in the Isan Oral Bible Translation project together with Wycliffe Thai Foundation and Wycliffe Canada.
Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
Copyright © 2024 Wycliffe Global Alliance, All rights reserved
Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592
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