RENEWED Ministries Update

RENEWED Ministries Update – 13 May 2024


This is the RENEWED Ministries update for 13 May, as provided by Reverend Courtney Richards.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

Dear friend and prayer partner. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Shalom ever be upon you.

I’ve been invited to attend the Lausanne 4 Congress on Global Evangelization, Discipleship and Mission in Seoul, Korea September 22nd to 28th. 5,000 of us who are key leaders involved in evangelism, discipleship and missions from all over the world will be in attendance with another 5,000 online. What an opportunity to connect with brothers and sisters who are part of God’s Global leadership team strategically placed to be used by Him to build up His Kingdom in the 21st century as we face various challenges‼️ 

Please pray for us all for a mighty move of God that will conform us more into the image of Christ and transform millions of lives across the nations of the world for the Kingdom and glory of God. May God pour out His Spirit of fire and revival in these tumultuous days.🙏🏾🙏🏾

I need you to help me get to the Lausanne 4 Congress. I also plan to visit two mentees who are living and serving in other Asian countries as well. Please ask God how much you or your church can help me with my expenses to Asia. I need at least USD 5000 for my total expenses.  After you pray, please let me know how you can support me. I’m looking forward to seeing how God works in meeting this need as He’s always done.

Much love and God’s abundant grace and favour to you and your loved ones. 

Coram Deo,
Always in God’s grip,

For more on Reverend Richards’ missionary journey, go to our Archive pages.

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