The Pastor and the church departments implement the various policies, purposes and responsibilities of Grace Missionary Church. Each department is subject to the directives of the Church Council. Directors are appointed by the Pastor, in consultation with the Elders and Deacons, and approved by the Church Council, to head each department.

The Church Council also appoints Assistant Directors, but each Department effects its organization and programme, consistent with GMC’s doctrine, policies and purposes. These persons are appointed or elected from the Membership of the church.

If you are interested in serving in one of these departments, please complete the Grace Connect Card on our Membership page and someone will be in touch with you.

Membership Department

The Membership Department gives care to the members of the church by establishing and coordinating Care Groups, benevolent facilities and visitation, incorporating persons into the fellowship of the church, supervising Baptisms, baptismal preparations and membership classes, and being sensitive to the health of the congregation, among other activities. They also coordinate the activities of the Ushers. Our Social Support Officer also reports to the head of this department. The current head of this department is Deacon Thelora Reynolds.

Evangelism & Missions Department

The Evangelism and Missions Department oversees the evangelistic and missionary activities of the Church, locally and globally. This includes planning, promoting and overseeing the church’s evangelism and training projects. They are also responsible for Rural Area Missions (RAM), Altar Workers, and Faith Promise. It guides the members to fulfil their life’s mission in the world. The current head of this department is Deacon Norma Kerr Clarke.

Maturity Department

The Maturity Department (Christian Education) supervises the training and educational needs of the church through, seminars, the Family Bible Hour*, and other agencies. It equips and prepares members of the fellowship for ministry within and without the Church community.
*The Family Bible Hour – Sunday School, Discipleship Training Programme (DTP), Membership Classes, Baptismal Classes.

Ministry Department

The Ministry Department guides the Church in demonstrating God’s love – coordinating the ministries of the Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Prayer Groups, and any other ministry approved by the Church Council. They are responsible for channelling members into new or existing ministries by training and/or identifying their unique gifts and abilities. They also coordinate the annual Health Fair, Mothers’ and Father’s Day activities. This department is headed by Sister Sharon Baldie.

Worship Music & Creative Arts Department

The Worship Music and Creative Arts Department coordinates the worship ministries, and in conjunction with the Pastor, plans and oversees all worship services, special events, and music ministries of the Church. They are responsible for all musical instruments and electronic equipment of the Church. The head of this department is Sister Angela Rose Lee.

Youth Department

The Youth Department is responsible for coordinating all youth-related ministries of the church, for persons up to age thirty-five, except for those provided for by other departments. These include Grace Youth Ministry (GYM), Young Adults Fellowship (YAF), camps, sports, and any others approved by the Church Council.

Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry Department has the specific responsibility of planning and coordinating activities for the Cradle Ministry, Nursery, Youth In Praise (YIP), Teens In Praise (TIP), Junior Church, and Vacation Bible School (VBS). The current head of this department is Sister Michelle Dinald.

Sunday School & Rae Town Ministry

The Sunday School (all ages) and the Rae Town Ministry are now one department. This department is currently headed by Sister Darlene Jones.

Finance & Administration Department

The Finance and Administration Department includes the Director of Finance, the Pastor, and at least one member from the Elders/Deacons group, the Church Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary. It is responsible for the management of the finances and other assets of the church. This includes guiding the Council in planning and forecasting through the preparation of the annual budget. The current head of this department is Sister Prunella Vassel.

Planning & Administration Department

The Planning and Administration Department is responsible for the personnel, planning and administrative functions of the Church. It develops systems and structures for the overall management of the Church. It also gives oversight to the maintenance, beautification, and hospitality functions of the Church. The current head of this department is Elder Linley Reynolds.