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Streams of Prayer for 1 October 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 1 October 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

September 29, 2024 – October 5, 2024


The current theme of Streams of Prayer is Leadership.

One way the Wycliffe Global Alliance serves Bible translation movements is by nurturing current and future leaders. Through intergenerational forums, coaching, formal and informal mentoring, and encouragement we provide opportunities to learn and grow as servant leaders. Leaders need our support and prayers to discern how God is leading their organisations in times of great change.

Each Alliance organisation needs godly men and women to lead and discern how to engage with God, with the church and with partner organisations in the Bible translation movement. Thank God for all who have courageously led in the past year. Pray with us for those being trained and prepared for leadership and for those transitioning into and out of leadership roles. May each one know the equipping, anointing and gifting from the Holy Spirit as we ask God for wisdom and discernment for leadership teams and organisation boards.

Search for new director: Thailand

Tharawat Suebtayat has served as director of Wycliffe Thai Foundation for 12 years He is now in the final four-year term (2023-2027) after which he will step down. The board and Wycliffe Thai personnel are now searching for a new director. Pray for the Lord’s leading in the search and that he will provide the person of his choice to take up this leadership role. Pray for this time of transition and ask God to guide Tharawat and Jimmie Suebtayat as they finish well and prepare for their next ministry.

Following Jesus’ model of leadership: Chad
Streams of Prayer 1 October 2024

The Association Tchadienne d’Alphabétisation, de Linguistique et de Traduction de la Bible (ATALTRAB) is committed to transformational leadership. For some years now, this type of dynamic leadership, modelled on the servant and participative leadership of Jesus, has been making the organisation relevant in communities. Each person is listened to and his or her point of view on running the institution is taken into account. Decisions are made collegially. We thank God for the Executive Management team, which encourages each manager to take initiative with full responsibility and in accordance with the Word of God, while respecting the regulatory procedures accepted within the organisation. ATALTRAB’s leadership is evident both internally and externally. Give thanks for the various Executive Directors (pictured above) who have succeeded one another, and who have invested in training and supervision, which are still ongoing.

Collaborative leadership: Burkina Faso
Streams of Prayer 1 October 2024
Image from the ANTBA website

The National Association of Bible Translation and Literacy (ANTBA) is committed to high-quality leadership. The team prioritises working collaboratively and in community both internationally and at the local level. They ensure diversity in recruitment through internships and training courses in various areas of expertise.

Thank God for:

  • New dynamism of leadership within the organisation 
  • Renewed confidence of local partners and linguistic communities
  • Good working relationships between the leadership team and the Board of Directors.

 Pray for:

  • The organisation’s leadership to continue to develop their skills and work well with partners and language communities
  • God to provide more opportunities for internships and training to enhance the quality of leadership.

Collaborating for participation of Indigenous churches and networks in Bible translation: Colombia, Americas
Streams of Prayer 1 October 2024
Latin American indigenous leaders meet in Bogotá. Photo: David Cárdenas

During the course on Languages and Translation in the Mission of God held in Bogotá, Colombia in August, 11 indigenous leaders from Latin America who participated in the course met on 20 August to discuss the participation of their churches and indigenous networks in Bible translation. The session was facilitated by Alfredo Campo, Alliance Facilitator for Indigenous Affairs in the Americas. Based on the conclusions from this meeting, ways will be proposed to continue reflecting together with indigenous leaders. Pray that God will guide future reflections and conversations on the involvement of indigenous churches and networks in Bible translation.

New and existing leaders to gather at Global Gathering: South Africa, Global
Streams of Prayer 1 October 2024
Image: clipart-library.com

The Global Gathering will be held in South Africa from 31 October to 4 November. This is an opportunity for leaders and board chairs from all Alliance organisations to gather together, learn from each other and hear from God. Many of those participating are new in their roles. Pray for a strong sense of community. Ask God for friendships to be born, wisdom to be shared and that many will leave feeling energised and encouraged.

Leadership transition: Italy
Streams of Prayer 1 October 2024
Alessandro Esposito. Photo: AITB

In August, Alessandro Esposito became Director of the Italian Association of Bible Translators (AITB), replacing Marco Librè, who carried on this task for more than 20 years. In his farewell message, Marco said: ‘I am grateful to the Lord for entrusting me with such an important task and especially for giving me the strength to carry it out over these years. It has been an honour and a privilege to have the opportunity to serve God together with you by sharing the vision for Bible translation and mission.’ Praise God for the years of leadership that Marco provided for AITB and for calling Alessandro to take on this role. Alessandro has served as an evangelist and Bible teacher in Zambia, India, Japan and Pakistan. He returned to Italy in 2020 and became a board member of AITB. Marco will remain in AITB as a board member and will initially support Alessandro in his new task. Pray for both leaders during this time of transition.

Area leadership and vacancies: Asia-Pacific

The Asia-Pacific area leadership team serves to facilitate and support the 31 Alliance organisations in the area to grow and partner together in Bible translation movements. Pray for the team as they continue to grow in understanding, unity and cohesion to discern God’s direction. A team retreat is scheduled 1-4 December in Penang, Malaysia. Pray for a good time of team building with mutual encouragement and trust. Pray also for the team as they look for the people with the necessary knowledge and skill sets to fill in the roles of leading administrative services and partnership facilitation for the Pacific.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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