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Streams of Prayer for 14 September 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 14 September 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

September 15, 2024 – September 21, 2024


The current theme of Streams of Prayer is Leadership.

One way the Wycliffe Global Alliance serves Bible translation movements is by nurturing current and future leaders. Through intergenerational forums, coaching, formal and informal mentoring, and encouragement we provide opportunities to learn and grow as servant leaders. Leaders need our support and prayers to discern how God is leading their organisations in times of great change.

Each Alliance organisation needs godly men and women to lead and discern how to engage with God, with the church and with partner organisations in the Bible translation movement. Thank God for all who have courageously led in the past year. Pray with us for those being trained and prepared for leadership, and for those transitioning into and out of leadership roles. May each one know the equipping, anointing and gifting from the Holy Spirit as we ask God for wisdom and discernment for leadership teams and organisation boards.

Global Gathering prayer team needed!
Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024

We invite you to join a team of people praying for the Global Gathering. You will receive weekly email updates from 18 September and daily updates during the Gathering. There will also be online opportunities to pray with others on Wednesday 30 October. Please let Barb Speck know if you want to sign up by contacting her at prayer@wycliffe.net. (Note: Prayer teams will be conducted, and prayer information will be provided, in English.)

Global Bible Translators directors start new term: Korea

In July, Hyun Kim and Daehee Lee began their new terms as director and associate director for the Global Bible Translators (GBT). Praise God for these leaders. Pray for God’s anointing to fulfil their roles faithfully and demonstrate quality leadership serving all their personnel and partner organisations well. Pray also for the new GBT board to function strongly, to understand the mission and ministry values well, to foster good relationships among each other and with the director team. Pray that all these leaders will serve the Lord with excellence.

Leading through organisational development: South Africa
Streams of Prayer 14 September 2024
Wycliffe South Africa leadership team (Alan Webster, Bonifacio Paulo, Sarah-Odwa Madyibi, Hennie Blomerus). Photos: Wycliffe South Africa

After the leadership handover in 2021, Wycliffe South Africa went through a period of great change. Praise God with them for leading the staff and their leaders through this transition. The team is currently in a phase of organisational development and more change is on the way. Pray for Executive Director Alan Webster and his leadership team: Bonifacio Paulo (Translation Services), Sarah-Odwa Madyibi (Personnel), and Hennie Blomerus (Business Services). Ask God to give them the ability to keep up with all the ‘moving parts’ of the organisation. It is also the season of drawing up budgets for the next financial year. Please pray for wisdom and provision.

Searching for new leaders: Asia, Pacific

Several Alliance organisations in the Asia-Pacific region are planning for leadership transitions. Wycliffe Hong Kong and Wycliffe Malaysia are looking for new executive directors. Pray for the search processes and ask God to raise up new leaders. Praise the Lord for leading Penisimani Moli to become the new Executive Director of Wycliffe Tonga Missions. He will commence duty in January 2025. Pray for a smooth handover and orientation.

Indigenous leaders and translators in the Course on Languages and Translation in the Mission of God: Americas
Streams of Prayer 14 September 2024
Participants to the Course on Languages and Translation in the Mission of God. Photo: Hugo Tello

From August 19-23 in Bogotá, Colombia, several indigenous leaders and translators from Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, and Ecuador participated in the course ‘Languages and Translation in the Mission of God’ along with participants from several Alliance organisations. Trained participants will be developing this course locally in their communities and countries with the purpose of engaging the church and denominational pastors and leaders in Bible translation to know how languages and translation fit into the mission of God. Give thanks to God for this opportunity to train indigenous leaders, translators, and participants from Alliance organisations on how languages and translation are an essential element to accomplish God’s mission. Pray for future courses being planned and those who will attend.

New board for Wycliffe Malaysia: Malaysia

Praise God for the newly elected board for Wycliffe Malaysia. Pray for wisdom and unity for the board each time they meet. Pray for humility to serve one another. Some board members hold full time jobs, and some serve as pastors. Praise God for their availability to serve on the board, and pray for them in their busy lives. Praise the Lord for the board orientation and retreat that happened 30 August to 1 September.

Courage amid opposition: Paraguay
Streams of Prayer 14 September 2024
Mbya children playing. Photo: LETRA Paraguay

The Mbya ethnic group in Paraguay is very closed to the gospel, believing they are a spiritual community who came from heaven. Mbya Christ followers face persecution. However, Chief Ñu Hoby, who believed in Christ some years ago, has been elected as leader of the community. Although he has faced opposition, Chief Ñu Hoby has stood firm and has led his community with integrity, giving testimony of his faith through the way he lives. He told his opponents, ‘Why do we beat our wives, drink alcohol and allow ourselves to be influenced by [outside] customs? Me, I follow Christ and he has changed my way of living, and you are witnesses. Being a Christian increases my spirituality and my Mbya identity.’ Pray for Chief Ñu Hoby that God will continue to guide him in his leadership and for strength in the face of opposition. Pray for those who have recently come to believe in Jesus, that their faith will be strengthened, and ask God to raise up faithful leaders to guide the church. Pray for the Reyes missionary family who are involved in discipleship and leading the translation project. Praise God that the translation of the four Gospels has been completed, and pray for the translation of the rest of the New Testament into the Ñu Hoby language.

In-country Hebrew instructors grow as leaders: Nigeria, Israel
Streams of Prayer 14 September 2024

Staff at Jerusalem Seminary are grateful to see new leaders being developed through their Hebrew for the Nations (H4N) initiative. In July two H4N-certified Israeli instructors, Tali and Yuval, taught an introductory Biblical Hebrew intensive for Nigerian translators and consultants in Jos, Nigeria. The course was held in partnership with ITDAL and other local organisations. This was Tali and Yuval’s first time leading an in-country Hebrew intensive. They grew as leaders through this course as well as influenced the 19 participants who are involved in Bible translation programs across Nigeria. Thank God for Tali and Yuval. Ask Him to raise up more godly, gifted Israeli believers for this ministry, and to grow those who serve in this way to be faithful leaders. Their deep understanding of Hebrew, along with their experience living in Israel, enables these instructors to teach Biblical Hebrew and influence Bible translators, consultants, and others around the world in unique ways. Praise God for their contributions to Bible translation movements!

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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