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Streams of Prayer for 1 March 2025

The Streams of Prayer for 1 March 2025 is a circular from the Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

March 2, 2025 – March 8, 2025


It is our privilege to be involved with God’s mission, both individually and corporately. Alliance organisations committed to the People Participation Stream recruit and/or send people to serve in Bible translation movements, working either in their own countries or elsewhere. They can serve with their sending organisation, other Alliance organisations or partner organisations.

As you pray for the specific items below, pray also that each Alliance organisation in the People stream will continue to respond boldly to what God shows them about how to strategically utilise people and care for them well in changing contexts and situations. Pray too that organisations collaborate well across different human resources practices when personnel from one sending organisation are assigned to serve under another.

Teamwork: Canada, Caribbean

Thank God for the joy of collaborating with our colleagues in different places. Pray for Wycliffe Canada and Wycliffe Caribbean as they work together on strengthening collaboration in preparing and mentoring interns and new staff. Pray that God would guide them to see new avenues of teamwork that he would like them to develop. Pray for clarity in communications and availability of needed people at the right times. Praise God for openness to grow in understanding and support of one another.

Responding to challenges: Norway
Streams of Prayer 1 March 2025
Recent issue of Wycliffe Norway’s News magazine. Photo: Wycliffe Norway

Pray for the Wycliffe Norway staff as they face the following challenges:

  • For the office staff responsible for recruitment and personnel, pray that they would be inciteful in seeing how different people with unique skill sets can fit in Bible translation movements.
  • For the 20 staff involved in assignments in other countries, ask God for security, good relations and protection.
  • Ask God to help a member who will soon be sent to Southeast Asia. She is developing partnerships and needs 30% more of her financial support.
  • For all their efforts to raise awareness about translation and the work of the global church, among churches and fellowships in Norway.
  • For the office staff responsible for recruitment and personnel, pray that they would be inciteful in seeing how different people with unique skill sets can fit in Bible translation movements.
  • For the 20 staff involved in assignments in other countries, ask God for security, good relations and protection.
  • Ask God to help a member who will soon be sent to Southeast Asia. She is developing partnerships and needs 30% more of her financial support.
  • For all their efforts to raise awareness about translation and the work of the global church, among churches and fellowships in Norway.

Valuing people and quenching their thirst: Burkina Faso

ANTBA works on a daily basis to promote the well-being of everyone working within the organisation. ANTBA also values the people of each linguistic community in which it operates. This commitment has encouraged a thirst for the Word of God in the various communities where Bible translation programmes take place. For example, at the New Testament dedication in the Bwamu-Laa language on 14 December 2024 in Bagassi, 200 more people requested copies of the New Testament than the 2,000 copies that had been printed. Let us thank God for this desire on the part of people and communities to have the Word of God that speaks to their hearts. Pray for provision of additional copies of the New Testament and that the Lord will continue to help quench this thirst for his Word in the communities of Burkina Faso.

Partnering by sharing staff: Ethiopia
Streams of Prayer 1 March 2025

Praise God that Wycliffe Ethiopia partners with a number of organisations to send or receive staff. 

  • Dr. Alemayehu Hailu, seconded to Faith Comes By Hearing, recently told of the significant impact of audio Scriptures as people listen to God’s Word in a language they understand. 
  • A couple from Wycliffe Germany serve as Bible translation consultants in the remote regions of Ethiopia. 
  • A linguistics expert in church-based literacy from Kontaktmission in Germany has joined Wycliffe Ethiopia. She collaborates with communities to produce orthographies and develop literacy teaching materials, which has been particularly impactful in the Tsaara community. 
  • Also, Wycliffe Switzerland has provided a Bible translation advisor. Pray for him as he serves in a remote area of the country where there is conflict between tribes. 

Thank God for the dedication of such individuals who share their expertise in Ethiopia and beyond and pray for God’s protection and provision in all these partnerships.

New strategies to overcome challenges: Switzerland

It has been a struggle recently to find staff for the Wycliffe Switzerland office. Switzerland’s multilingualism means that certain jobs require staff to communicate fluently in two or three languages. This and having to develop a team of prayer and financial partners has been a hurdle for people who might otherwise have been interested in serving in the office. Pray for provision of office staff and for the leaders of Wycliffe Switzerland, who are considering strategic changes to the organisation.

Bringing about changes in people’s lives: Chad
Streams of Prayer 1 March 2025
Women wait for the Gergiko New Testament dedication to begin in Mukulu village, Chad (2020). Photo: Gary McMaster

People are at the centre of all aspects of life. The Association Tchadienne d’Alphabétisation, de Linguistique et de Traduction de la Bible (ATALTRAB) develops actions and skills through many people in community programmes. This is particularly effective in Scripture engagement in several communities. Also, thank God that as a result of literacy efforts, thousands of people who were once illiterate are now reading and writing in their mother tongues and in French. As a result of Scripture engagement efforts, many people’s lives are being transformed as evidenced by changed behaviour. Praise the Lord, too, for the substantial increase in the number of people serving God as church officials. ATALTRAB carries out many of its activities in dynamic partnership with people from various churches and national and international Bible agencies. However, due to economic difficulties, ATALTRAB has also been forced to release a large number of staff. Let us pray for change and for God’s provision.

Pastors sent for service in Bible translation: Indonesia
Streams of Prayer 1 March 2025

Praise God that Pusat Penerjemahan Alkitab (PPA) is sending out 13 GMIM pastors to serve in Bible translation projects.

  • Pray for all preparations – coordinating with the receiving organisation partners and preparing required documents.
  • Pray for GMIM Synod leaders who will send the pastors to the organisations working with the people groups. Pray for GMIM Synod to care for them well. 
  • Pray for the readiness of the pastors and their families who will serve in Bible translation.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
Copyright © 2024 Wycliffe Global Alliance, All rights reserved

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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