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Streams of Prayer for 12 February 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 12 February 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

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February 11, 2024 – February 17, 2024

Global Gathering

The Global Gathering of Wycliffe Global Alliance will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 31 October to 4 November 2024. The theme is ‘Growing Together’. It is an opportunity for the directors and board chairs from each Alliance organisation together with partners and guests to gather together, hear God’s voice and learn from one another. This will be the first Global Gathering in eight years, as the 2020 gathering was cancelled due to the pandemic. As this is such a significant event, we will pray for the preparations during the coming months.

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024

Planning, logistics and need for additional people

Praise God for successful planning meetings in November and January. Until now the number of people involved in organising the Global Gathering has been relatively small. We are in the process of adding people to the team to take care of the many details, especially for logistics and communication.

  • Ask God to bring people with passion and appropriate giftings to serve on the team.
  • Thank God for people within the Alliance and other partners in the Bible translation movement who have agreed to serve in different capacities to help with this event.
  • Ask God to give strength and enthusiasm to those involved who are already carrying heavy responsibilities.
  • Pray that the finances will come together to cover the costs for this event.
Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
Global Gathering planning team meets in Southampton, UK in January. Photo: Martijn de Vries

Preparations to accommodate multiple languages

The whole conference will happen in four languages (English, French, Indonesian, Spanish).

  • Pray that organisers can identify people skilled in simultaneous interpretation. 
  • Pray for a good way to handle the different languages in order to facilitate participation during table group discussions, breaks and informal meetings.

Spiritual Preparations
Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
Rev Simon Mwangi, Associate Pastor Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi. Photo: Parklands Baptist Church
  • Pray for Pastor Simon Mwangi from Kenya, who has agreed to be the devotional speaker. Pray for anointing, wisdom and inspiration as he prepares his contributions.
  • Pray for the prayer team for the event. Ask God to provide those who will serve in this capacity with enthusiasm and humility. They will be responsible for prayer both for and at the Global Gathering and will lead some of the sessions as well. Ask God to help them find creative ways to encourage all in the Alliance to draw near to God whether physically present at the event or not. 

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
Some Wycliffe South Africa staff members. Photo: Wycliffe South Africa

On-the-ground staff in South Africa

The planning team is thankful for the team at Wycliffe South Africa and other local partners. 

  • Pray for Wycliffe South Africa staff as they help with the organisation of the event in many practical ways. 

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
The Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg where Global Gathering will be held. Photo: Phil Prior

Pray for the staff of the hotel and for our interaction with them before and during the Global Gathering. 

  • Ask God for good collaboration with hotel personnel as there are many details to be arranged. 
  • Ask him to bring his Kingdom in many ways into the lives of hotel workers who will serve Global Gathering participants and staff. 

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
Image: clipart-library.com
Need for technical team to enable livestream

It’s exciting that the Global Gathering has the potential to be an event for the whole Alliance, not just those invited to be in the room. As the theme of the Gathering is Growing Together, Alliance leaders are committed to making the event accessible to as wide an audience as possible. 

  • To facilitate this, pray for the provision of a team with the necessary technical skills to serve on the ground in South Africa, and remotely in other locations, to enable live streaming of the event.

Building a communications team to produce daily updates
  • Pray for the team of writers, photographers and videographers that is coming together to produce the daily updates from the Gathering so that staff from all Alliance organisations can be kept informed. 
  • Expectations for what this team can produce are high, yet they will not have all worked together before. Pray that members of this team will collaborate well as they work under tight time constraints. 

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024
Image: clipart-library.com
Communicating with staff of Alliance organisations back home
  • Ask God to provide a person in each Alliance organisation who could serve as a contact for communication from the event. They would share updates from the gathering with colleagues at home, as well as feeding comments and reflections to those in South Africa. 

Pray that the live stream and daily updates will generate a sense of excitement for staff members within Alliance organisations to engage with the Global Gathering from their locations.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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