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Streams of Prayer for 13 May 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 13 May 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

May 12, 2024 – May 18, 2024

Global Gathering

The Global Gathering of Wycliffe Global Alliance will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 31 October to 4 November 2024. The theme is ‘Growing Together’. It is an opportunity for the directors and board chairs from each Alliance organisation along with partners and guests to gather together, hear God’s voice and learn from one another. This will be the first Global Gathering in eight years, as the 2020 gathering was cancelled due to the pandemic. As this is such a significant event, we will pray for the preparations during the coming months

Streams of Prayer 12 February 2024

Streams of Prayer 13 May 2024
Image: clipart-library.com

Shaping the details into a unified whole
Praise God for the progress in planning all the details of the Global Gathering. Pray for various elements to come together as a unified whole so that God can speak and shape us as we seek to grow together. Preparations for the sessions are underway to give the necessary time for translation of resources. Pray for all who will contribute to the sessions to prepare their contribution with God’s wisdom and inspiration so that the Global Gathering participants clearly hear from God. 

Streams of Prayer 13 May 2024

Challenges of arranging venue logistics and visas
We want to be a blessing to the staff of the hotel where the event is being held. Pray for a good working relationship with hotel staff, clarity in communications, a smooth registration process and quick responses when questions arise. Ask God to help staff at the event-planning company, Rendzo, who are acting as liaisons with the hotel and assisting delegates with visa and accommodation issues.

Travel cost needs
Recognising that international travel is expensive, pray for the Alliance organisations for whom participation is a financial challenge. Ask God to provide all their needs so that they can attend.

Streams of Prayer 13 May 2024

Hearts prepared for God’s intent
This event is an opportunity for us to hear from God and grow together. Pray that God will prepare all our hearts so he can work in us and through us during the Global Gathering.

Complexities of interpretation
Pray for interpretation teams. Most of the team members do not know each other and they will need to work together smoothly. Pray for God-given understanding and unity. We will be using technology which is new to all of us. Pray for clear instructions and opportunities to try it out beforehand.

Streams of Prayer 13 May 2024

Wycliffe South Africa staff
Thank God for the support of Wycliffe South Africa throughout the planning process of the Global Gathering. Ask God for grace and strength as they add many tasks to their normal workload so that the event will be a success and a blessing to the whole Alliance.

Logistics team 
Pray for the logistics team as they start to work together in earnest. Pray that they can understand their individual roles and put the infrastructure in place for the conference to run smoothly.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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