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Streams of Prayer for 17 February 2025

The Streams of Prayer for 17 February 2025, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

February 16, 2025 – February 22, 2025


It is our privilege to be involved with God’s mission, both individually and corporately. Alliance organisations committed to the People Participation Stream recruit and/or send people to serve in Bible translation movements, working either in their own countries or elsewhere. They can serve with their sending organisation, other Alliance organisations or partner organisations.

As you pray for the specific items below, pray also that each Alliance organisation in the People stream will continue to respond boldly to what God shows them about how to strategically utilise people and care for them well in changing contexts and situations. Pray too that organisations collaborate well across different human resources practices when personnel from one sending organisation are assigned to serve under another.

Raja Ampat Cluster orthography workshop: Indonesia
Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025

Praise God for an orthography workshop taking place from 16 February to 3 March on Misool Island for the Raja Ampat Cluster language communities: Tepin, Kawei, Matbat and Ambell.

  1. Pray for wisdom and strength for Ms. Rita Nasution in preparing the orthography workshop materials. Pray that she can present the materials clearly and effectively. Pray for safe travel for her and the participants to Misool Island.
  2. Pray that the participants will be able to follow the workshop well, and that each language team can apply what they are learning effectively to develop the writing systems (alphabets) of their respective languages. 
  3. Pray for the workshop to run smoothly, without any technical or logistic issues. Pray that all materials taught can have a positive and significant impact on Bible translation and the advancement of local language literacy. 
  4. Pray for unity of hearts, good communication and smooth coordination between Kartidaya and GKI di Tanah Papua Church, so that through this collaboration, God’s name will be glorified and ministry in these local languages will continue to grow. 

May this orthography workshop be God’s tool to strengthen the local languages and cultures in Raja Ampat!

It’s all about people: Cameroon
Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025
CABTAL staff in cultural dress. Photo: CABTAL

Individuals are at the heart of CABTAL’s mission, which seeks to transform lives, churches and communities through Scripture translation. Thank God for the strong and extensive connections and relationships CABTAL has built with remarkable individuals both within Cameroon and beyond. The organisation is supported by hundreds of urban churches, dozens of rural churches, interdenominational committees and community volunteers, and administrative and traditional authorities. This support includes leaders committed to the development of their languages, business professionals and others. CABTAL continues to equip people who dedicate their lives to advancing the ministry of Bible translation, linguistic research, literacy and Scripture engagement. Thank God for the diverse, talented, experienced and dedicated staff that form the backbone of the organisation. Praise him also that CABTAL staff were able to gather on 1 February for an elective General Assembly to select new board members to govern the organisation.

Connecting with potential workers: Switzerland
Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025

Many young Christians in Switzerland have never heard of Wycliffe Switzerland. They are not aware of the many people around the world who do not yet have access to God’s Word in a language they can understand. Wycliffe Switzerland has many staff members who are retired or reaching retirement age, but fewer younger members. Praise God for the younger members they do have, and pray for Wycliffe Switzerland to be able to raise more awareness. Pray especially for church visits and Wycliffe’s presence at Christian events to result in more people joining the organisation. Pray for many people to attend the information days on 28 February and 1 March, where they can find out more about Wycliffe and how to contribute to global Bible translation movements.

MissionAssist board members needed: UK

Thank God for the long-term commitment of the trustees of MissionAssist. Pray especially for those due to step down in early 2025. Praise God that modern technology for communication and video conferencing allows people to participate remotely in meetings. Pray for wisdom during the process of seeking and appointing several new people to join the board of trustees to help steer this mission support agency through the coming years. Ask God to call someone who is reading Streams of Prayer to offer their gifting and mission experience as part of the next generation of MissionAssist trustees.

New worker builds partnership team: Austria, Tanzania

Anna-Alice was given a book titled In Search of the Source by Neil Anderson and Hyatt Moore, after a Wycliffe Austria presentation in her home church. The book, about a Bible translator in Papua New Guinea, his ministry and the challenges he faced, sparked her interest in Wycliffe’s work. At a missions conference, she won a prize to attend the Inspired Weekend at the Karimu Wycliffe Centre in Germany. A few months after attending Inspired, she joined the kitchen team there and took courses at SSK. Last July, she went to Tanzania as an intern to serve with the EthnoArts Team. Back in Austria, she shared her experiences at the Wycliffe General Assembly and learned about an open position in public relations. Since December, she has been working part-time in this area at Wycliffe Austria. Her goal is to finish building her team of prayer and financial partners in 2025 in order to serve full-time. Pray for opportunities for Anna-Alice to present her ministry and for people to support her financially as well as in prayer so she might return to serve in Tanzania.

Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025
Anna-Alice in Tanzania. Photo: Gideon Mwasandube

Collaboration in training: South Africa, Global
Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025

In collaboration with Wycliffe Global Alliance and the Seed Company, the Bible Institute of South Africa hosts a master’s program in Language and Translation. The current 12 students are from several countries in southern Africa where they’re actively involved in Bible translation programs as translators or translation facilitators. The classroom phase of their studies will end in June, and then students will focus on writing their theses. Please pray for 1) wisdom for students as they seek to enhance their skills in Bible translation and 2) strength as they work toward completing their studies.

Orientation for staff and serving partners and churches: Singapore
Streams of Prayer 17 February 2025

Pray for Wycliffe Singapore:

  • Give praise and thanks for the orientation that helped new staff members, membership candidates and volunteers to gain an understanding of Wycliffe Singapore’s ministry. Pray for each one in their journey of growth as they seek to serve the Lord faithfully.
  • Pray that the Lord will strengthen and unify the Singapore team as they partner with churches in projects and activities. An upcoming mission seminar and training on tentmaking run by a partner organisation will soon begin in late February. Some from Wycliffe Singapore serve as mentors to the participants. Pray that through this equipping, God would lead many into professional positions in places where his name has yet to be known. 

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
Copyright © 2024 Wycliffe Global Alliance, All rights reserved

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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