Youth With A Mission features the latest Missions updates from Sister Tricia Shakespeare.
You are also welcome to follow Tricia on her Posts page for a more interactive experience. 

Verse of the day:

To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless.

    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Hi all,

    It’s such a joy ❤ for a parent to witness their child grow in favor with God. What better way to honor God than for Him to use your life, no matter your age, in service to Him.

    Oh my! My heart is full! Look what God has done! Praise God with me for His awesomeness ???? and for how far He has taken us. And all we said was “yes”.

    A seven year old boy with a group of Youth With A Mission missionaries, trekked through the mountains of Gingoog City, Philippines, taking the Gospel of love to a remote Tribe in the mountains.

    He gave a wonderful testimony of how he gave his heart ❤ to Jesus at six years old….telling them that God can save them too! And then participating in singing and giving glory to God thanking Him for being our Lighthouse. Mighty God! Take a look and praise God with me!

    So look at what God has done! It’s marvelous in our eyes!

    Trish ????and Az????

    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Hi again all,

    It’s amazing to me that we are already more than half way through our outreach / mission here in the Philippines. We are currently packing and doing last minute outreach activities as we will move to our fourth location tomorrow, January 19th, in the afternoon.

    Youth With A Mission Preparing to Leave
    Getting on the bus as we get ready to leave.

    We have seen God do marvelous and great things in the lives of those He has brought us in contact with. It was an awesome privilege to be able to share at a radio station. Aziki and I were able to share our testimonies and speak a little of our background in Jamaica. We were asked to sing the Jamaican National Anthem on national radio! The host was curious when we told him that our anthem was a prayer, so he asked us to sing it and sing we did!
    Aziki and I also had the privilege of ministering in a local church in the community of Bukidnon. There we sang and taught the Jamaican chorus: ‘fe me, Fe me, Jesus a fe me“.
    Aziki sang and danced. Oh boy! Was he in his element with the microphone and all!????. They totally enjoyed it!
    We also had the opportunity to visit at schools and speak with the children there. In addition, we had a wonderful opportunity to go to two tribal groups and pray for the sick, distribute food and tell them about the love of Jesus.
    We are humbled by all God is choosing to accomplish through us and we take none of this for granted.

    Thank for all your prayers and support.

    Continue to pray:

    • for the safety of the Youth With A Mission team;
    • Strength to do what God has called us to do;
    • Grace to minister the love of Jesus to those we come in contact with; and
    • Endurance to finish the course and finish strong????????


    Trish ????and Az ????

    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Hi all!

    Once again, season greetings. Sending this notification out, just in case you are not hearing from me and wondering where I am and if we are OK. In the next few hours, at about 5 AM local time, we are leaving for an area three hours from where we currently are, called Malaibalai. This is where another Nehemiah House for abused girls is located. Just letting you know that there is no internet connection where we will be staying.

    The Team will be staying there for two weeks and we will continue working and ministering with and to the girls and the Filipinos in the surrounding communities.

    So please be in prayer for us as although this is a well populated area, it is still considered to be a remote area in the Philippines.

    Love and Blessings.
    Trish???? and Az????

    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Trish ???? On A Journey.

    Hi All! It’s Christmas Eve here in Cagayan de Oro on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. It is four hours until midnight, Christmas day when we will have a Filipino Christmas Feast. Yep! That’s the Filipino tradition to have a feast with family on the stroke of midnight Christmas Day!

    God has been extremely faithful to us here as a Team. We have been here approximately two weeks already. I can hardly believe it! So fun to see how God works when we give Him our yes ❤. Amazing!!!

    We have had an amazing time of worship and praise and ministry to and with the Filipino people. One highlight so far of my time here is getting to share at a home Bible study group and praying for one young lady tormented by demons…to see God’s deliverance and breakthrough ! Awesome!

    We continue to minister to the girls of the Nehemiah House and pray God’s deliverance over them and freedom from abuse. It does the heart good to be able to be a part of what God is doing here in their lives and to see the happy transformation when Jesus comes to live in their hearts and lives.

    I continue to pray for you my supporters and cheerleaders. May the God of peace be with you this holiday season. Blessings and nuff love.

    Trish???? and Az????

    • Leaving From The Lodge
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mision
    • On The Transport - Youth With A Mission
    • Our Transport - Youth With A Mission
    • Bible Study Group - Youth With A Mission
    • Home Bible Study Group - Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission
    • Youth With A Mission

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Hi all.
    I know it has been a while since my last update to you all my beloved ❤ prayer and support Team ????

    I have been hard-pressed to ensure that I get in and learn and absorb all that God has been wanting to teach me in this season. So, thank you to all of you who have been praying and supporting. Also I must victoriously report that all the lecture fees and school fees for myself and Aziki has been paid!
    PRAISE our ABBA for He IS faithful to keep His promises!!!!

    Outreach to the Philippines.
    Map of Mindanao, Youth With A Mission
    A Map of Mindanao, Philippines.

    We are looking ahead now to our outreach to the island of Mindanao in the Philippines (see map). The area we will be in is predominantly Muslim with 85% of the Filipino population being Catholic. Please pray as:

    1. We will be ministering to the orphan girls of the Nehemiah House from the ages of 7-18 who have been victims of prostitution and sex-trafficking.
    2. Protection for the team as we travel and minister in and around Mindanao.
    3. There have been seemingly two earthquakes in the area (4/6 magnitude).
    4. Good health for the team and the girls.
    5. Salvation, restoration, hope in Jesus Christ.
    6. We have a balance of US $2,971.14 for both Aziki and I to cover the expenses of this outreach.

    Many blessings to you ???? as we continue to work together, bringing salvation to the nations.
    Trish????and Az????

    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Hi all ????

    I know it’s been a while since my last update on all the wonderful but hard and challenging things God has been doing in our lives and in this season. So far we have been involved in a number of local outreaches in and around the city of Chico, California. For many of these outreaches we are unable to take pictures to protect the privacy of the people we minister to and due to the sensitive nature of some of the issues we deal with. As some of you are quite aware too, practicing publicly open Christianity is frowned upon in some parts of the United States.

    Please be in prayer for the Crossroads Discipleship Training Group of missionaries which Aziki and myself are a part of, as on December 10 we hope to journey to the Philippines for two months of outreach. Pray for us as we seek to raise funds to participate in this necessary ministry to the Filipino people.

    Much blessings????

    Living by faith ????
    Trish???? and Az ????

    Aziki Shakespeare at Youth With A Mission
    Aziki finding his identity in Christ
    Tricia Shakespeare at Youth With A Mission
    My purpose and mission is becoming clearer each week

    Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    Hi all ????

    It’s been a little over a week since being here at Youth With A Mission. God has already been doing so much, I can hardly keep up!

    This past week during orientation we got to share our life stories, how we got here at different points in our lives. There are ten of us in the Crossroads Discipleship Training Program, but, only two in this particular group are younger than I. So we have a mix of age groups.

    I see many things coming together little by little, how the Lord used pieces of my life to get me here. God has been lovingly helping me to heal from many past hurts, bitterness and resentment. It’s a hard and difficult ‘surgery’ He’s performing but I open myself to His plan and purposes. I know that another part of His plan is for the broken pieces of myself to be mended. It’s been a long road getting here, but I am here. Glory be to God!

    Many twists, turns and bumps in the road but God has used it all to get me to this point…a Crossroads ????.

    I am thankful to Him that He has done this. He who has begun a good work in me will complete it. As I see many instances of His guiding Hand on this journey I can only say: “Oh my Lord Abba, do with me as You must….for You love me enough to give the blood of Your only Son so that my life in You will be for my eternal good and for His eternal glory”.

    I love you all because I see you as my support Team ????. Thank you for being on this journey with me. I am eternally grateful for you.

    Living by faith ????
    Trish ???? and Az ????

    My Photos From Chico – Youth With A Mission

    Youth With A Mission Lodge
    This is The Lodge where we stay in dorm-like facilities. (There is Aziki in the background)
    Youth With A Mission Hotel
    This is the hotel that they purchased as a part of the property. It’s no longer used as a hotel. It’s where we have meetings and our meals in the dining room
    Youth With A Mission Dorms
    YWAM Discipleship Training School students dorms.
    Youth With A Mission Campus
    Sometimes we see deer and squirrels running across here????


    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Hi …????????

    Everything is going well so far… Aziki absolutely looooovvesss his new school and he is adjusting quite well. I’m so proud of him and I’m so very thankful to God that He has provided such a loving and caring environment for him.

    Classes are going well for me. This week is orientation week and so we have been getting to know each other as there are 10 of us all together. This week also is when we get to tell our life stories and how God has brought us to this season in our lives.

    It’s still so amazing to me how God orchestrates our lives and uses the broken pieces of us for His glory ????. He such a great Father and I am so blessed that He has given us this opportunity to know Him and to make Him known.

    And I am extremely excited to see what He will continue to do in this season. All it takes is one step of obedience and one giant leap of faith! So happy that I sidestepped fear and doubt and anxiety and landed right in the arms of Jesus!

    Saturday, September 14, 2019

    “Good morning,
    I am always interested that the voice is ‘behind you’ and not ahead of you. This means that you have to take that step of faith, not necessarily knowing where you are going. You may be stepping out into the unknown, but as you do so, you’re listening carefully to that voice just behind you whispering in your ear saying, ‘keep going – this is the way’.
    Today’s word: ‘Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you…?’ (2 Corinthians 13:5)

    Trish and Aziki
    Tricia and her son, Aziki, on their way to Chico, California.

    Hi all. Today we take another leap of faith in this journey that God has so graciously and faithfully called us to. Things are going well. The Lord keeps confirming His word and promises to us for which I am thankful.

    As we continue on this life of faith I cannot say that I am totally anxiety free but there is a sense that we are being carried by God into purpose and I have to hold faith that He will continue to provide and guide.

    We leave for Chico, California today to start missionary training for myself and for Aziki to start at the International Christian School on the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base. Thank you Team for your continued support as we partner together in obedience to the Great Commission.
    Youth With  Mission

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