Intercessory Prayer

The Intercessory Prayer for 6 September 2020

Deacon Arlene Burton offers the Intercessory Prayer for 6 September 2020.

Brothers, Sisters, Friends we hope that you are well. If not, please let us know.

Last Friday I shared about the issue of anger and forgiveness. I felt that there is the need for us to take a further look at these issues especially as it relates to self. When we listen to the tone of Jesus’ discussions with His disciples as to the number of times to forgive, we recognise that it is necessary for relationship building. We understand that forgiveness is continuous.

Brethren, we are called to keep forgiving those who play different roles in our lives, though they do things to hurt us. Otherwise we may develop bitterness and resentment towards them. At the same time, through the work of the Holy Spirit, we have to effectively manage those relationships.

Someone shared with me that after reading Friday’s writings, she felt convicted and called her sister and apologized because tension was between them. Brethren, I recognise that a number of persons are hurting because of past experiences. As previously indicated, I have been hurt. I have also counselled with persons who have been hurt. The pain and anger that emerged from those hurts may go as back far as childhood. In some instances it may have to do with spouses, children, siblings, mother, father, church, friends, etc. 

I encourage us to take off the hidden screen and talk to the Lord about it. There are people who love to say, “Me cool, Me Alright, No Worries”, but later outbursts and attitudes reflect otherwise. Believe me it is a release that you deserve. It is a release that takes us on a better path with God.

I realise that persons find it difficult to receive forgiveness even when Jesus Christ forgave them. Some persons may describe receiving forgiveness, as forgiveness of self. We may not think that we deserve forgiveness because of the wrongful act. My experience is that there is an annoying reminder that taunts the mind about a wrongful act. This may happen when we come across things that trigger the experience. How then do we deal with it?

I am interested in a point made by the apostle Paul. He encouraged the Brethren to forgive because they were forgiven. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV). What if the Brethren rejected forgiveness? Could it be that they have not experienced forgiveness due to their lack of receiving? Could this be part of the reason many persons have difficulty forgiving others?

Paul also said that:

“If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Romans 10-9-10 (NIV)

Could it be that believing involves receiving?

You may note that Paul is also saying that it is with our hearts that we believe and are justified. Justification is described by Holman as a divine act of God, which is based on the work of Christ on the cross, whereby a sinner is made righteous by the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. Vine described justification as an acquittal from guilt, from our trespasses (Romans 4:25; 3:25). 

Acquittal signifies liberation, freedom, release, discharge. If the Brethren do not experience this, then true forgiveness will be harder to receive and give. Some persons may say that this is the work of the Holy Spirit in us ministering to our spirit. I have a question. Could we hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in us?

What Jesus said to His disciples is also a point of interest.

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)

It seems that at this point justification had already taken place, as we now refer to God as our Father. Could it be that at this stage receiving forgiveness is still critical?

Let us hear from the writer of 1 John. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV). Here is an opportunity for renewal. Therefore, when the bad thoughts become taunting, and we have confessed and asked God for forgiveness, this is a good verse to use in replacing those thoughts. We affirm being forgiven and receiving forgiveness.

Forgiveness of our sins is a key function in our reconciliation with God. It paves the way for an effective relationship with God and our fellow humankind.

Let us think about our lives and the need for us to admit to our wrongdoings, confess, forgive and accept forgiveness so that we can truly be set free. I pray that the Holy Spirit will break the screens that we created and bring to our remembrance that which is hidden. May He remove the stumbling blocks in our pathway so that we can experience true freedom in Christ Jesus, and love others as Christ loves.

Let us pray:

Lord, we thank You for Your goodness, kindness, favour and mercies. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Even when we are faithless You remain faithful, because You cannot deny Yourself. Your mercies are renewed. You were rejected, beaten and set to die on the cross so that we could be reconciled, and be at one with our Father.

O God, we thank You. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah.

Lord, we ask that You have mercy on us, cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and forgive all of our sins. Help us where we doubt the power of the cross, the power of Your shed blood. Mankind despised and rejected You, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

Like one from whom people hide their faces, You were despised, and held in low esteem. Lord, You took our pain and bore our suffering. Yet You were considered punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. Lord, our transgressions pierced You. You were crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was on You, and by Your wounds we are healed.

O God, we thank You.

Lord, peoples of the world are hurting in one way or another. Many have been using all sorts of intervention to heal their hurt. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ that they will surrender to a God who experiences and can heal brokenness in mind and body. Lord, it is You who heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. It is by Your stripes that we are healed. You grant beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness for the spirit of mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

Lord, so many people are becoming depressed and losing hope. As we focus on suicide prevention in the month of September we speak life over our country. We pray that You empower Faith and Donovan Thomas, and Choose Life International. Grant them the strength, resources, wisdom, revelations and covering needed as they minister.

O God, help us to turn to You from whence cometh our help.

Lord, we just went through a national election and many persons have suffered the loss of a seat in parliament. Parliamentarians are our lawmakers and a very small opposition in government is a challenge to national governance and democracy.

O Lord, help those who carry the handle to lead this country. Let there be transparency, accountability, true wisdom, courage, peace, unity, humility and boldness among them. Lord, we stand against any form of discontent, selfishness, corruption and bad international or regional influence and interventions.

Lord, we pray for forgiveness, healing and reconciliation within the opposition party. Help them to be an effective and conscientious opposition. Grant them insight, wisdom and understanding in their pursuits.

Lord, we thank You for the fairly good peace that the country experienced during elections and ask for continued peace and unity.  

Lord, we thank You for taking us through this hurricane season. 

Thank You Lord.

O God, hear our cries and attend unto our prayers.

Lord, we pray for our church leaders and associations and their leadership. O Father, help us to find the joy of serving You. Help us to be strategic but compliant in ministries. Show us the way Lord and give us the courage, resources, strength and boldness to carry on.

Lord, You see the spike in Covid-19 cases. O Lord, Help! Help us as individuals, families and a country to treat this with responsible attitudes and behaviours.

O God, help us to be good keepers of self and others.

Lord, the crime and violence continues to manifest its ugly head but we put every community, household and individual in Your hands and ask for Your divine intervention. We have no hope but You Lord.

O Lord, help us to look to You from whence cometh our help.

Lord, remember those among us who mourn especially Sister Jehan Johnson and family. We ask for Your continued healing upon them. Lord, we ask that You heal brokenness as You provide comfort.

Lord, we lift up to You the persons on our usual prayer list and those who are quietly hurting in one way or another. There are those who are lacking in one way or another. Lord, provide, heal and protect.

Lord. we remember and present for Your healing touch our families who are ill. Sisters Iris Lawrence, Lelith James, Jennifer Nicholson, Virginia Muir, Marville (Cherry) Murray (Sister Iris Lawrence’s daughter), Janet Chen-Young, Joyce Bailey, Lucille Alexander, Jhada Graham, Ethlyn Atkins, Cherrie Lee, Brother George Gabbidon, and Andrew Robinson (Sister Claire Robinson’s son), Brother Danville Japp’s father, Mr. Isaiah Japp.

Hear O Lord, and have mercy.

Lord, we pray for those among us who are celebrating. Help us to rejoice with those who rejoice. We lift up Karlia Jones Clarke and Rammon Clarke who today celebrate their first day of marriage. Lord, may Your hand of covering be upon them as they venture in a world of uncertainties. We ask for a divine blessing upon their lives as they take on life together. Grant them true wisdom, courage, unity, peace, effective communication abilities, understanding, favour and blessings.

Therefore Lord, we thank You for this union, and we celebrate with them.

We praise and honour You Lord. We give You thanks for all Your benefits. Fill us with Your peace and surround us with Your love. Lord, empower us to be the children You have called to service. So Ignite our spirits with Your joy and make it our strength.

In Jesus’ name we say thanks.


Our Weekly Prayers are for everyone. Therefore, if you are also in need of prayer or comfort, please contact us with your request. We would be so very happy to share with you.

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One Comment

  1. Good morning everyone.
    Thanks Deacon Arlene for sharing in such an open and honest way.
    Amen and amen.
    PS – I read Matthew 18 recently while doing devotion and found it interesting that in telling the parable of the unjust servant, who refused to forgive his fellow servant’s debt of 100 pence after the king had forgiven his debt of 10,000 talents, Jesus said the ‘wicked servant’ was ‘delivered…to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due …So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you , if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.’ (KJV) Although it may be very hard to do, let’s never forget how seriously God views unforgiveness.
    Wishing everyone a good and Godly day.
    Comment posted by Sister Paula.

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