Family News, Announcements

Family News for May 03 2020

These are the Family News for May 03 2020.
Have a blessed week ahead.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Below are our members and adherents who will be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during the coming week. If you are celebrating your special date during this period as well, and your name is not listed, please visit our “Birthdays / Anniversaries” page to update your information.

May 3rd

Lorna Gooden
Bobbi-Ann Bennett-Morris
Stacy-Ann Zodge

May 4th

Sandra Fairclough (o/s)
Abigail Henry
Lilieth Wellington

May 5th

Keitheth Wellington

May 6th

Andrew Gooden

May 7th

Rajesh Zodge
Jehan Johnson

May 8th

Dionne Richards
Prunella Vassell
Vivienne Watson
Bernard & Julian Smothers – Anniv (o/s)
Chue Ping Russell

May 9th

Donna Wellington


Hearty congratulations to Sister Grace Henry-McKenzie for being sworn in as Puisne Judge on Tuesday April 28, 2020.


The Thanksgiving Service for Miss Garcia White, cousin to Sister Angela Rose-Lee, will take place on Saturday May 9th. This will take place at the Escarpment Road New Testament Church of God starting at 11:30 AM.


Sister Ethlyn Atkins has been discharged from the hospital and is now recovering at home. So let us continue to pray for her health.

Please remember the “Sick and Shut-Ins“, as well as those classified as vulnerable. In addition, remember to stay in touch with each other to combat the effects of isolation and separation.

Family News April 26 2020

The theme for May 2020 is Stewardship, and is also being celebrated as Family Month. Therefore, our Bible Study series will be on the topic “Stewardship with Focus on Family as it relates to the emotions, spirit and body for all age groups“. Also, we continue to host our Bible Studies via Zoom each Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Reverend Richard Beckford will also host this series. Most important, information on how to join these Studies is provided by email and posted in the various What’s App groups.

Please remember to call and pray with one another. Also, keep safe, practice social distancing, wash hands and clean surfaces regularly.
Above all, given the issues associated with COVID-19, please pay very close attention to the periodic updates and advisories issued by the relevant authorities.

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