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Streams of Prayer for 8 October 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 8 October 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

September 29, 2024 – October 5, 2024


The current theme of Streams of Prayer is Leadership.

One way the Wycliffe Global Alliance serves Bible translation movements is by nurturing current and future leaders. Through intergenerational forums, coaching, formal and informal mentoring, and encouragement we provide opportunities to learn and grow as servant leaders. Leaders need our support and prayers to discern how God is leading their organisations in times of great change.

Each Alliance organisation needs godly men and women to lead and discern how to engage with God, with the church and with partner organisations in the Bible translation movement. Thank God for all who have courageously led in the past year. Pray with us for those being trained and prepared for leadership and for those transitioning into and out of leadership roles. May each one know the equipping, anointing and gifting from the Holy Spirit as we ask God for wisdom and discernment for leadership teams and organisation boards.

Developing leaders of integrity, service and spiritual maturity: Ghana

The team at the Ghana Institute of linguistics, literacy and Bible translation (GILLBT) prioritise servant-leadership and recognises that leaders need to be equipped with the necessary training and tools to navigate the challenges of their roles. Pray for GILLBT’s ongoing efforts to equip and empower staff for effective leadership:

  • Pray that those in leadership training will receive wisdom, discernment and understanding. Ask God to equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge and spiritual maturity to fulfil their calling.
  • Pray that those in leadership positions will be men and women of godly character. Ask God to help them live out their faith in all aspects of their leadership.
  • Pray that those transitioning into leadership roles would experience God’s guidance, strength and perseverance. Pray for healthy relationships and unity amongst leadership teams.

New leader: France
Streams of Prayer 8 October 2024
Therese Stauder, Jean-Luc Brunet, Harmony Koechlin. Photo: Wycliffe France

The Wycliffe France team welcomed a new leader at the beginning of the summer. Harmony Koechli is taking over the management of the organisation, which is committed to two of the Alliance’s participation streams, Prayer and Church. Your prayers will be a great encouragement in the decisions to be implemented and the strategy to be established. The Global Gathering in Johannesburg at the end of October will be Harmony’s first Alliance event. Pray that it will be a welcoming time for her as she begins to establish relationships with fellow Alliance leaders.

Rethinking Organisational Strategy: Americas
Streams of Prayer 8 October 2024
The Journey advertising poster. Design by: Luis David Marti

Over the course of a year, about 90 leaders from Alliance organisations in the Americas participated in a series of four online meetings about the concept of The Journey as a way to rethink organisational strategy. The meetings were facilitated by Dr. Susan Van Wynen, Wycliffe Global Alliance Consultant for Strategy. Wycliffe Caribbean leaders said: ‘This concept is providing a framework for the new way of operating; persons are discovering new skills or having the opportunity to participate in new ways; maybe less dependence on structure, more emphasis on valuing the contribution of each person; the place of prayer becomes more central in decision making.’ Thank God for all the leaders who participated in these meetings and the conversations regarding this way of rethinking organisational strategy. Pray for God to guide leaders in applying this concept in developing their organisational strategies.

Leadership Enrichment Program: Europe

Many new leaders are taking on roles in Alliance organisations in Europe. Starting in September, the Europe area of the Wycliffe Global Alliance is offering an online Leadership Enrichment program for Alliance organisation leaders, board members and potential leaders in Europe. The online program seeks to strengthen leaders and foster networking and unity. Pray for Susan van Wynen, Alliance Consultant for Strategy, and Hannes Wiesmann, Assistant to the Executive Director, who are facilitating this program, along with others leading sessions. Topics include developing a global perspective for the Bible translation movement; better understanding the Alliance for informed participation in the movement; discerning trends, challenges and themes; understanding the directions and strategies being explored globally in Bible translation; and becoming familiar with major networks in Bible translation. Pray for all who participate in the monthly online meetings, and ask God to encourage new leaders and build a supportive network through these gatherings.

Developing pathways for young leaders: Australia, Papua New Guinea, Pacific
Streams of Prayer 8 October 2024
Young Missionary Alliance logo. Photo: Young Missionary Alliance

Give thanks for Young Missionary Alliance (YMA), a local ministry in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that comes alongside communities and finds how to assist them with development activities. Several YMA leaders are part of the Pacific Graduate Pathways project, an initiative by the SIL Pacific team in partnership with YMA. The two-year project aims to develop pathways for young Papua New Guineans to participate in language development and Bible translation roles in the region. These young leaders received training from SIL Pacific and SIL Australia in language programme management and the Launch cross-cultural training earlier this year. Pray for these young leaders to be fruitful in their endeavours.

Latin American Roundtable: Americas
Streams of Prayer 8 October 2024
Latin American Roundtable. Photo: David Cárdenas

On 8-9 August, 19 regional leaders from the Americas representing 12 organisations (including Wycliffe Global Alliance, FCBH, SIL, Jesus Film, UBS, Wycliffe USA, Three Wave Movement, JAARS, Global Partnerships, Ethnos360 and YWAM) met at JAARS in the United States. This new roundtable seeks a broader space for dialogue than has historically been the case in the Americas between Alliance organisations and SIL. After affirming the MESA culture, conversations turned to several themes such as understanding where the group sees the Bible translation movement going in Latin America; the practice of polyphony in the movement; the Bible Translation Congress to be held in 2026; training in Bible translation and Scripture use roles; understanding and listening to the church and local voices with regard to the availability of Bible translation data. Also, the leaders of the organisations gave presentations on relevant events and activities happening in each ministry. This group of leaders will meet again in a hybrid face-to-face and virtual meeting in August 2026. Thank God for this meeting between various organisations working in Bible translation in the Americas. Ask God to use these discussions to expand collaboration in the region. Pray for the next meeting of the group in August 2026 and for plans to hold the Bible translation Congress, also in 2026.

New Scripture use coordinators: Papua New Guinea
Streams of Prayer 8 October 2024
Wendy and Fajiaki holding their certificates with some of the SILPNG Scripture use team. Photo: Cindy Walker

Pray for Wendy Dowi and Fajiaki Kubo as they begin serving as Scripture use coordinators for the Papua New Guinea Bible Translation Association (PNGBTA). The two women participated in an internship training programme with the SILPNG Scripture use department for the last two years. This programme ended on 9 August. Praise the Lord for the support and partnership of Wycliffe Australia and SILPNG to make this internship a success. Ask the Lord to grant wisdom and insight to these two women in their new role.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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