RENEWED Ministries Update

RENEWED Update – 8 December 2019

This RENEWED update for 8 December 2019 was provided by Reverend Courtney Richards.

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Hello friends and prayer partners, Shalom Aleichem. God’s wonderful peace and well being be yours and also to your loved ones.

I have completed my last overseas missions outreach for 2019, by the grace of Almighty God and will by that same sustaining grace be leaving Grenada tomorrow, Monday morning (December 9) for Trinidad then Jamaica on Tuesday. It has been a very fruitful time serving in the islands of Trinidad, St. Vincent and Grenada the last few weeks. I am full of rapturous praise, adoration and thanksgiving to the great God, our Heavenly Father, to Jesus Christ His Son and to the Blessed Holy Spirit who fills my life and leads and guides me on these missions, and equips and anoints me and all our team members and those who serve in every capacity in RENEWED Ministries. That includes YOU! Thanks be to God for the great gift that you are to me, as a friend, prayer partner and supporter of this ministry.

What a year we have had! I have shared many of the stories with you already so won’t recite them here again. All I can say is, “What a God! Amazing and Awesome is He! To Him be all the glory and honour and praise. Hallelujah! Amen.

Please continue to pray for me every step of the journey as I spend the next two months or so at home in Jamaica before my first missions outreach of 2020 to the French Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe. Please pray for God’s uncommon grace, favour, protection, provision and the fullness of His Spirit continually upon my life and those I minister with and serve in the various countries God has called me.

And do remember to pray about and consider how you can financially support our missions budget of over $28,000 US for 2020! God is sending us to several countries next year and we need your financial help! Nothing is impossible with God! Please send your gifts to RENEWED Ministries, P.O. Box 1229, Mishawaka, Indiana, USA 46546 or donate online via PayPal at:

Thanks always for your love, prayers and financial support. God’s richest and choicest gifts be yours. Blessings ????????????????????????????????????????????????

Coram Deo,

Always in His grip,


For more on Reverend Richards’ missionary journey, go to our Archive pages.

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