RENEWED Ministries Update

RENEWED Ministries Update – 30 January 2022


This is the RENEWED Ministries update for 30 January 2022, as provided by Reverend Courtney Richards.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Dear friend and prayer partner. Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I have some exciting news for you with an opportunity for you to partner with us in raising finances for Africa Missions 2022.

We have recently officially launched “RENEWED Ministries Vision25” to expand our ministry of “Discipling the nations the Jesus Way” to 25 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa by 2025 as we continue to celebrate 25 years of ministry. We have been working hard with putting leadership teams together in Africa for this expansion. The feedback so far is absolutely inspiring. For example, the President of the all-Baptist Federation for Southern Africa countries, told us in a recent online meeting how for years he has been telling the Global Baptist Federation that they must be involved in discipleship and mentoring. He is very excited at the opportunity of partnering with us to expand to all the countries in Southern Africa. So are others involved in the meeting.

So, how can you help? Firstly, by joining us in fervent and ongoing prayer for God to equip, empower and use everyone of us in leadership of this ministry and those we are and will be working with in Africa. WE ARE TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON GOD AND HIS SPIRIT TO DO GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS IN AND THROUGH US!

Secondly, we need you to GIVE! We need money to do God’s work. We need LOTS of money to bring pastors and leaders together from various countries in Africa to share the vision, train them and help them mobilize and train others in their countries to expand the ministry in disciple making, mentoring and leadership training. The money you are being asked to give is for Missions in Africa for this year – 2022!

A few days ago, we asked Nappanee Missionary Church in Indiana to help us reach our financial goals for this year. We still have $32,450 (US) to raise out of a budget of $57,200. So Nappanee responded by challenging us in RENEWED Ministries to match up to $7500 that they are willing to give. Our RENEWED Ministries Board has accepted the challenge and has committed to giving or raising the matching $7500. That’s $15,000 (US) from Nappanee and our RENEWED Ministries Board!! Now we are challenging YOU as prayer partners, supporters and donors of RENEWED Ministries to help us raise and match that $15,000 with another $15,000. THAT WILL BRING US WITH ONLY $2450 left to raise. Is anything too hard for God? NO!!! Nothing is impossible with God.

Will you pray fervently to God and ask Him how much you SHOULD commit to give to RENEWED Ministries to help us raise the $15,000(US) that we need to match the funds that Nappanee Missionary Church and our own Board members have committed to? We need to raise this money by March 1, 2022. So we are praying with you and waiting expectantly to see what God will do. We know He will come through for us as we are committed to His Kingdom and glory! We serve at His pleasure and for His glory.

Therefore, please send your gifts, cashable in the USA, to: RENEWED Ministries, P.O. Box 1229, Mishawaka, Indiana, USA 46546. You can also give via PayPal on our website:

Please remember to designate your gift: “For Africa Missions Fund” so it doesn’t go into our general funds.

Thanks so much for your constant prayers and financial support. We also thank the Lord for you and rejoice in what He is doing and what He is going to do in Africa and beyond. Rich and abundant blessings in Christ to you and to your family and loved ones.

Coram Deo,
Always in His grip,
Courtney Richards

For more on Reverend Richards’ missionary journey, go to our Archive pages.

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