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Streams of Prayer for 18 June 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 18 June 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

June 16, 2024 – June 22, 2024


The current theme for Streams of Prayer is Church, one of the Alliance’s seven Participation Streams. (See Statements regarding Wycliffe Global Alliance’s relationship with the Church.)

As an Alliance, we believe that the purpose of the local church is to glorify God through participation in his mission: drawing people to Christ and to make disciples. All who are part of the Alliance have the opportunity to serve the Church and complement its ministry as we collaborate in Bible translation movements. We also seek to listen to and learn from churches worldwide in order to build strong relationships for mutual encouragement and equipping.

Together, we seek to encourage the meaningful, unique and complementary roles in God’s mission that he leads each church and organisation to fulfil. Join us as we pray for Alliance organisations engaged in the Church Participation Stream and for the worldwide church as it participates in Bible translation movements.

Links initiative: South Africa

Praise God for the Wycliffe links initiative developed by Wycliffe South Africa, as they long for the mobilisation of the South African church for mission. The hope is to engage the church through sharing stories of God’s transformation through Bible translation. This initiative aims to link churches to Wycliffe South Africa and to language groups working on translating God’s Word for the first time. Thank God for the six churches that have come alongside language communities with translations in progress. This has resulted in prayer, outreach to the community and hosting translators when they visit Johannesburg. Thank God also for churches that have hosted Scripture engagement workshops. Praise God for the partnerships that have been built so far! Pray that these relationships deepen and bear much fruit.

Conversation on the participation of the church in sending workers: Americas
Streams of Prayer 18 June 2024
Photo: Wycliffe Global Alliance Americas Area

On 30 April, Wycliffe Global Alliance Americas Area held a virtual conversation, ‘When the Church Sends and Receives People for Bible Translation’. Seventeen people participated. Pastor Isaí Avendaño, Director of DINAMIS, an Alliance organisation in Colombia, shared his experience and perspective. Discussions included the role of the church in preparing and sending cross-cultural workers, the importance of pastoral support and follow-up during their service in the field, and how the local church can maintain meaningful connection with missionaries sent. In addition, ideas and suggestions were raised on how to improve and strengthen the process of sending and receiving missionaries in the context of Bible translation. Pray for more conversations on the participation of the church in Bible translation.

Tamil Bible storying project: Malaysia

Wycliffe Malaysia is involved in the Tamil Bible storying project. Many other stakeholders are involved as well. Pray for two young women from a church in Johor Bharu who have been invited to participate but have not yet responded. Pray for wisdom and that they will agree to join the project. Pray for Wycliffe Malaysia staff as they seek to make more contacts to engage with Tamil-speaking churches. Pray for continued conversations and successful establishment of church partnerships.

Advisory council for Bible translation movement: Papua New Guinea
Streams of Prayer 18 June 2024
Bible Bilum Partnership working committee. Photo: PNGBTA 

Pray for the Papua New Guinea Bible Bilum Partnership (BBP) working committee. The BBP is a national initiative for collaboration in Bible translation. Bilum is the word for string bag in Tok Pisin and is the symbol for language. The working committee is composed of church and Bible translation agency leaders. They have been working to form a PNG Bible translation advisory council to guide and lead Bible translation movements in the country. Pray for the BBP forum 14-16 August, during which this council will be endorsed. Pray for good participation from the Bible agencies and churches. Ask the Lord for his wisdom and knowledge for all involved.  

Spreading the vision for translation at Church Congress: Germany

From 29 May to 2 June, the biennial Catholic Church Congress took place in Erfurt in eastern Germany. About 20,000 visitors from all over the German-speaking regions attended. The theme of the congress was: ‘The future belongs to the man of peace’, inspired by Psalm 37. Events were held at many locations throughout the city on a wide variety of topics. Wycliffe Germany participated with a stand at the huge fair in the city centre. They sought to show participants that language research, literacy and Bible translation are still important tasks so that all people can access, read and understand the gospel in their native languages. Staff hope that visitors will broaden their perspectives and be motivated to pray for Bible translation worldwide so that even more people will have access to the wonderful hope of the gospel. 

Praise for church partnerships: Netherlands
Streams of Prayer 18 June 2024
Screenshot of Wycliffe Netherlands website

Give thanks for the many churches in the Netherlands and Belgium that support the Wycliffe Netherlands team financially and through prayer. Give thanks for the hospitality of churches where they can tell others about Bible translation work. Pray that God will provide pastors who are willing to serve as ambassadors for Wycliffe Netherlands.

Partnering with a church to conduct oral Bible storytelling: Hong Kong

Praise the Lord for the opportunity given to a Wycliffe Hong Kong staff member to partner with a church to conduct an oral Bible storytelling course in April and May. Ask the Lord to give Wycliffe Hong Kong more opportunities to serve by conducting this course, so that more brothers and sisters in Christ will learn to discover the treasure in the Bible through storytelling in their language.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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