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Streams of Prayer for 8 April 2024

The Streams of Prayer for 8 April 2024, is a circular from Wycliffe Global Alliance. Wycliffe Caribbean makes this available.

April 7, 2024 – April 13, 2024

Bible Translation Programmes

The current theme for Streams of Prayer is Bible Translation Programmes, one of the Alliance participation streams.

Wycliffe Global Alliance serves Bible translation movements because we long for language communities to encounter God through his Word. As written in the Alliance Foundational Statements, one of our core values is “trusting God to transform lives through His Word translated into the languages and cultures of the world’s peoples”.

We will pray for Bible translation efforts around the world. We will also celebrate lives changed through Scripture and pray that many more communities will be powerfully impacted by encountering God through the Bible translated into a language they can understand.

An unprecedented year of launching completed Scriptures: Korea, Global

Praise the Lord for personnel from the Global Bible Translators (GBT) who are involved in language projects around the world. 2024 is an unprecedented year for GBT as their personnel have been involved in the launching of completed Scriptures with four language communities from around the world. Pray for GBT leaders as they use this opportunity to glorify God and rejoice with the Korean churches and prayer supporters for these milestones. Pray that these celebrations will bring greater awareness of Bible translation movements to those interested in the ministry.

Reaching out to indigenous languages: Ethiopia
Streams of Prayer 8 April 2024
Wycliffe Ethiopia’s building was dedicated in February 2024. Photo: Wycliffe Ethiopia

Wycliffe Ethiopia is thankful to the Lord for the completion and symbolic dedication of New Testaments in the Inor, Tsara, Mursi and Zay languages. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and help to complete and prepare the print and audio versions of these four New Testaments for publication. Pray also for the health and spiritual protection of Wycliffe Ethiopia consultants, translators and their families. Continue praying for stability in the country. It is still very difficult to travel to translation projects in some areas. This hinders follow-up of ongoing work, consultant checks and needed additional support for translation teams. Praise God for the newly dedicated offices of Wycliffe Ethiopia to better serve Bible translation programmes. 

Three indigenous groups translate Jonah: Paraguay
Streams of Prayer 8 April 2024
Translators, trainees and consultants Photo: LETRA Paraguay

In January, LETRA Paraguay led a translation workshop of the book of Jonah for three indigenous groups – Guarani Ñandeva, Toba Maskoy and Chamacoco. Ten translators worked together with three consultants and five consultant trainees from a program sponsored by the Seed Company. The study of the book led them to reflect on their own lives when God calls them to share the message with others who are “enemies”. They were reminded that they need the Word of God to sustain them not only in good times but also when challenges come, just as Jonah remembered the Scriptures he knew while inside the fish. This experience of reviewing a book in several languages at the same time enriched the linguistic process since the translators and consultants exchanged examples and forms that they use in their languages. It also enriched their emotional and spiritual growth since they encouraged each other as part of the Body of Christ to persevere in this mission. Thank God for the progress in the translation and consulting work in these three indigenous groups of Paraguay.

Pray for 244 past students of the Whole Word Institute: Global

The Whole Word Institute is overwhelmingly blessed to partner with like-minded organisations that work tirelessly to advance the spread of God’s Word to the ends of the earth, each of which plays an indispensable role in the Bible translation movement. The Whole Word Institute is grateful to serve as a capacity builder for the Bible translation movement, training a new generation of translators and consultants in biblical-sourced languages. These former students serve more than 350 million people through involvement in Bible translation and are part of the new generation of Bible translators and consultants in training. They will continue to train, translate, and transform as they advance in their careers. Using Ephesians 3:14-21, pray that God will strengthen them, reveal his love to them and continue to use them for his purposes.

Romanian Sign Language Bible translation: Romania
Streams of Prayer 8 April 2024
Editing a Bible story in Romanian Sign Language. Photo: Marc Ewell (2016)

Praise God for successful Scripture engagement visits in two Deaf communities, with people showing interest. The Bucharest community check went according to plan, and the team praises God for the progress of their work. They also rejoice that a new translator and a video editor have joined their team. Additionally, at the end of the last year, the team in Oradea changed offices. They have now settled into their new office, which they share with Wycliffe Romania. Pray for the translation team as they finalise translation and editing of the first six chapters of the Gospel of Mark. Pray for wisdom and creativity for the team as they film the translated Bible texts. Pray for guidance for the team as they embark on an in-depth study of the text to be translated from Matthew 7-12.

Scripture use programme for youth: Indonesia
Streams of Prayer 8 April 2024
The youth at Minahasa Evangelical Church (GMIM) study the Bible during the Oral Bible Storying programme. Photo: Pusat Penerjemahan Alkitab (PPA)

Praise God for the Oral Bible Storying team in Manado as they initiated a Scripture use programme for the youth at Minahasa Evangelical Church (GMIM). With the programme, these young people are asked to perform an oral Bible story as part of their monthly worship. It is a joy to see so many teenagers understanding the Bible and applying it to their daily lives. Pray that God will continue to transform their lives as they engage His Word in this way. 

Nzakara New Testament in preparation for typesetting: Central African Republic

Nzakara translators François and Elie are based in Bangui, working (remotely) with two consultants to get their New Testament translation ready for typesetting in August/September. Pray that the difficulties regarding funding for their work would be speedily resolved. Pray for the quality of their internet connection each time they work online with the consultants. Pray that they will achieve the current goal of being ready to typeset their New Testament this fall. Pray for wisdom for a proposed trip to the language community in March to help with Scripture engagement training and to train transition literacy teachers.

Streams of Prayer is the prayer bulletin of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Valrie McCarthy
Language Development Officer
Wycliffe Caribbean
7A South Avenue
Kingston 5
876 754 9334, 908 2970, 582 6592

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