Family News, Announcements

Family News for June 7 2020

These are the Family News for June 7, 2020.
Have a blessed week ahead.

For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to him.

Below is a list of our members and adherents who will be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during the coming week. If you are also celebrating your special date during this period and your name is not listed, please visit our “Birthdays / Anniversaries” page to update your information.

June 7th

Jamie Holness
Clayton Russell
Kelly-Ann & Wickham Smith – Anniversary

June 8th

Ghana Hyatt
Keziah Clarke (o/s)
Aidan Rampair
Matthew Thaxter

June 9th

Orville Beckford
Arlene Wynter
Beverley Lindo

June 10th

Orville Neil
Lucille Alexander

June 11th

Merle Braham
Sylvia Martin
Jada Gray
Gabriella Pellington

June 12th

Noel Brown
Sharon Black
Joseph & Janiece Headley – Anniversary

June 13th

Barrington Preston

Sunday Service

We resume service today, June 7th, with ONE Service at 8:00 AM. Our speaker is Reverend Richard Beckford and the service will also be aired live via ZOOM as well as online here on our website.

Please note that as of Sunday, June 14, 2020 our online platform will be aired at a later time to be announced.


Our condolences to the family of Sister Joyce Jarman who passed on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. The final arrangements will be announced at a later time.

Prayer Requests

Please remember the “Sick and Shut-Ins“, as well as those classified as vulnerable. In addition, remember to stay in touch with each other to combat the effects of isolation and separation.

Family News for May 17 2020
Sick and Shut-In List

The theme for June 2020 continues to be Stewardship. Also, we continue to host our Bible Studies via Zoom each Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Reverend Michael Smellie will be our host for this series. Most important, information on how to join these Studies is provided by email and posted in the various What’s App groups.

Please remember to call and pray with one another. Also, keep safe, practice social distancing, wash hands and clean surfaces regularly.

Above all, given the issues associated with COVID-19, please pay very close attention to the periodic updates and advisories issued by the relevant authorities.

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