RENEWED Ministries Update

RENEWED Ministries Update – 14 August 2021

This is the RENEWED Ministries update for 14 August 2021 as provided by Reverend Courtney Richards.

They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

Dear friends and prayer partners, Shalom aleichem! I greet you in the wonderful name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ that we have been called to follow and imitate! What a joy and a privilege that is!

Last week, I preached at Brown City Camp in Michigan and it was a rich and powerful time of ministry in the word of God and many lives were impacted and transformed for the glory of God. My messages focused on, “Portraits of Jesus: Stories and Encounters from His life that challenge and change us.” So many persons young and old told me how blessed and challenged they were by the word of God. One young girl, probably age 13 or 14 captured it best. She said, “thank you pastor for preaching about Jesus. I have never heard anyone preach about Jesus the way you do!” Wow! Why don’t we preach Jesus more? What damage are we causing people by going on and on about all sorts of “issues” that have little or nothing to do with following Jesus! I will continue to preach Jesus in the months and years ahead. This is what I am persuaded God wants me and us to do! PREACH CHRIST!!! AND LIVE CHRIST!!!

Last Thursday night (August 12), our RENEWED Ministries Board met and among other things we approved the 2022 Missions outreach schedule for Africa and Nepal and the budget along with it. We will be training even more pastors and leaders from 14 countries of East and Central Africa and from Nepal to make disciples, the Jesus Way, and to confront the ancient paths of the cultural, family, tribe, clan and national traditions, customs, practices and beliefs that we so often hold on to but conflict with Kingdom life.

We will be bringing to Uganda and Kenya, from neighbouring countries, key leaders and pastors who can train others and help lead disciple-making movements in their countries. Not only do we want to train them in disciple-making but teach them strategic planning to be more effective in fulfilling God mission and vision for their countries. This is part of our 2022 and beyond Africa Missions Expansion. Along the same lines, we will be in Nepal to train pastors and leaders there and listen to their hearts about what God is doing in them and through them. Our brother (my little brother) pastor Tej Rokka and his team are excited to have us return to Nepal next year in late April and early May.

We will also be in South Africa primarily ministering to children and youth in schools, weekend camps and retreats, sports ministry and other after school and community settings. In addition, we hope to do some discipleship and mentoring training there with pastors and leaders as well. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW MORE THAN EVER!

Our Missions 2022 budget will be over $57,000, our largest yet. This is specifically the budget for Missions Africa and Nepal, not our regular operating expenses. God has opened many doors in these countries that we MUST take advantage of for the building up of His Kingdom for His glory.

We need you to help us. All of you pray for us. We need prayer first and foremost!  I have been so blessed over the years meeting people in different countries who told me they were praying for us! Some of them you recruited or asked to be a prayer partner of RENEWED Ministries. We are grateful. Prayer makes a difference. Prayer connects us to God and His power and resources in our lives. When we pray, sincerely pray, for God’s mission and ministry, God does GREAT things. As author John C. Maxwell says, “when we work, we work, but when we pray God works!” I say “amen” to that! So pray for continued grace, anointing and favour over all of us who serve as leaders and team members in all the countries where we serve. Pray for unexpected blessings including unexpected financial blessings. That’s how God has led me to pray for years now. Pray that the coronavirus pandemic will be gone or will not be an impediment to our 2022 Missions! Pray for God’s constant protection, provision and safety for all of us in every way!

We also need money to meet all the missions related and other expenses. Many of you have given and continue to give over many years. To you and your churches, we are exceedingly grateful. Others of you may not have had an opportunity or ability to give before. Now is the time. In this 25th anniversary year of RENEWED Ministries, with the opportunities before us for the explosive growth of God’s Kingdom in Africa and Nepal, we are asking you to give US$25 or multiples of $25 ($50, $75, $100 or hundreds or thousands of dollars) as God leads you. These can be one-time gifts or monthly donations to RENEWED Ministries.

PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS! Ask God how much you should give to support us in RENEWED Ministries and our teams in Africa and Nepal to get the job done for His Kingdom and glory! Give a sacrificial gift or make a faith pledge – trust God for a certain amount then watch Him provide it to give to His ministry!

Please send your gifts by check/cheque to RENEWED Ministries, P.O. Box 1229, Mishawaka, Indiana, USA 46546 or give online via PayPal on our website at:

We continue to trust God to do great things among His people all over the world. We are waiting expectantly for His awakening in our lives and His provision of all that we need to get the job done for Him! Thank God for your constant love, prayers, support and encouragement. I love and appreciate each and every one of you. May God pour into your lives His fullness and richest blessings.

Coram Deo!
Always in God’s grip,

For more on Reverend Richards’ missionary journey, go to our Archive pages.

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