Family News, Announcements

Family News for April 19 2020

These are the Family News and Announcements for April 19 2020.
Have a blessed and Easter Weekend.


Below are our members and adherents who will be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during the coming week. If you are celebrating your special date during this period as well, and your name is not listed, please visit our “Birthdays / Anniversaries” page to update your information.

April 19th

Benedict Ranger
Heather & Garfield Guy – Anniversary
Maisie & Tennyson Chin – Anniversary

April 20th

Adrienne Gray
Lilieth Hamilton-Bailey
Thelora & Roy Reynolds – Anniversary

April 21st

Abigail Simpson
Kimmone Plummer-Griffiths
Pets-Gaye Saunders (o/s)
Jean Bramwell

April 22nd

Bradley Douglas
Danene Reid

April 23rd

Chantelle Brown (o/s)
Nadje Leslie (o/s)
Ryan Rampair (o/s)

April 24th

Marie Jones
Gilroy Williams
Andrea Ffrench (o/s)

April 25th

Joan Peart
Agnes Byfield (o/s)


Firstly to Reverend Dalkeith & Sister Claudette Bennett and family on the passing of Sister Bennett’s mother, Mrs Daphne McDermott, on April 14, 2020.

Also to Reverend Omar Morrison and family on the passing of his mother, Mrs Beverley Francis, on April 16, 2020.

And finally to Sister Margaret Harriott and family on the passing of her daughter Mitzie, also on April 16, 2020.


Please remember the “Sick and Shut-Ins“, as well as those classified as vulnerable. In addition, remember to stay in touch with each other to combat the effects of isolation and separation.


Also, we continue to host our Bible Studies via Zoom each Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Reverend Richard Beckford commenced the Study on Wednesday, April 1 as host, and will continue throughout the month. Therefore information on how to join these Studies is provided by email and posted in the various What’s App groups.

Please remember to call and pray with one another. Also, keep safe, practice social distancing, wash hands and clean surfaces regularly.
Above all, given the issues associated with COVID-19, please pay very close attention to the periodic updates and advisories issued by the relevant authorities.

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